The Real Victoria Nuland – IOTW Report

The Real Victoria Nuland

Let’s take a look at Nuland’s resume and explore the activities of this supposed “freedom and democracy” champion.

14 Comments on The Real Victoria Nuland

  1. Do we have to?

    I’d rather talk about what Fox News Dana Perino looked like all morning.

    Did she inherit Hillarys Pant Suit collection?

    That was one frumpy looking gal, this morning.

    What are the odds of a costume change by Five?

    Talk about it.

  2. Freedom…umm…..not-so-much
    DEMOCRACY….more likely.
    If you take “Democracy” as a spectrum, from “free people having their individual vote” – to – “mobocracy” (lots of little guys with small voices being beat up on by a few big guys with big voices)…….she’d fall in closer to the “mobocracy” end of the scale.

  3. Nuland started as a Dick Cheney protege.

    This begs the question do the Neocons force-feed the women they empower, like the French force-feed geese to produce pate`??

    The question arises when you consider “Tory”Nuland, Liz Cheney, MeAgain McCain, SoS Hitlery, and other shrews the US has dispatched across the globe.

  4. “Warpig Nuland Falls On Her Skewer””

    “Nuland’s most notorious spotlight moment came during the Ukrainian crisis of 2014, a geopolitical powder keg that pitted Western pipe dreams against Russian territorial security.

    As the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Nuland embodied U.S. interference in Ukraine’s political turmoil.

    Her open support for the Euromaidan protests not only signaled a blatant disregard for Ukrainian sovereignty, but also underscored the U.S.’s aggressive posture towards Russia.

    The leaked phone call with U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, where Nuland infamously remarked, “F*ck the EU,” exposed a cavalier attitude towards European allies, revealing a preference for unilateral American intervention over collaborative diplomatic efforts.”

  5. Another political appointee rat leaving the Biden administration with a hefty retirement and benefit package, all at our expense.
    Her blood soaked hands will cash the monthly checks, gleefully.

  6. Is Elena Kagan her step daughter?
    It’s so hard to figure this stuff out as “wikipedia” is not so cooperative these days. but if so figures!

    actually says “descendant” which is not accurate probably as “Toria” husband is labeled Kagan


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