The Regime Media’s Quandary: By Exposing Joe Biden They Exonerate Donald Trump – IOTW Report

The Regime Media’s Quandary: By Exposing Joe Biden They Exonerate Donald Trump

American Thinker:
By Steve McCann

The regime media (the amalgamation of the legacy media, elitist opinion writers, and the internet troika: Google/Facebook/Twitter) finds itself in a quandary of its own making.  As the nation descends into recession and societal turmoil, the candidate for whom they prostituted themselves, Joe Biden, reveals on a daily basis that he is not mentally or physically capable of being President.  Further, it has become increasingly more difficult to continuously obfuscate not only the ongoing revelations in Hunter Biden’s laptop but Joe’s life-long history of corruption and mendacity. 

By comparison, for four years, despite a lack of evidence coupled with numerous exculpatory investigations, this same cabal incessantly promoted the fictitious narrative that Donald Trump was a racist, a xenophobe, a demagogue, and the most corrupt person to ever serve as president of the United States. 

Accordingly, the regime media proclaimed that it was in the nation’s vital interest to replace Trump with the “decent, honest, and honorable” Joe Biden, as he has the “experience and character” to rescue the nation and restore “decency and honor” in the White House.

The quandary: how does the regime media avoid the exposure of Joe Biden’s lifelong corruption and failures without the public’s inevitable comparison of the two men, their families, and their accomplishments?   A comparison that would result in the effective exoneration and rehabilitation of Donald Trump, whom they relentlessly accused of being the most unscrupulous person on earth.  A cudgel they could no longer use if he decides to run for the presidency in 2024. MORE

8 Comments on The Regime Media’s Quandary: By Exposing Joe Biden They Exonerate Donald Trump

  1. When deceit is the only tool in the toolbox, continue with deceit.
    They will admit nothing.
    They will continue to lie, obfuscate, and sow confusion, race-hatred, and anti-Americanism.

    There is NOTHING to hold them to account.
    “What you tolerate; you get.” And we have tolerated much.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Bbbbuuuuuttttt 81 Million people just can’t be wrong!
    Well kids, fer starters, 81 million people didn’t vote for Jackass Joe and now we are seeing the fruits of the fruits and radicals that installed him! Anyone remotely cognizant of the politics of this moron already knew he was nothing but a swaggering, blustering grinning imbecile who deserves the same general esteem as an Organ Grinder’s monkey! Now it is painfully obvious to everyone! Meanwhile the real truth about Donald Trump slowly emerges maxiimizing the regret of anyone who did actually vote for Captain Crap Weasel!

  3. But it isn’t just about exposing Biden and his crime family. The crimes of the Obama administration, the Clinton’s, Fauci and Big Pharma, the FBI and the DOJ during consecutive presidencies, various members of Congress, various corporations … all have to be hidden, as well, or the whole thing blows up.

  4. The only people that believe(and still do BTW) that Trump was in cahoots with Russia are the pathetic assholes that voted for Biden. DJT doesn’t need to be “exonerated” by the same scum that ran this collusion bullshit for 4+ years.

    Like GM points out, they needed(still do so Wall-La, Ukraine) a squirrel and again, the only people it works on the afore mentioned Biden voters.

  5. Trump ordered to pay 1.3 million to Omarosa in legal fees. The Apprentice Boss just got fined! YOUR FIRED! OOPS Cost me more than a Whopper/Bigly Mac. I’m so mad I’m going to o grop someone, anyone.

  6. From the article: “They will have to throw Hunter Biden under the bus by claiming he was solely responsible for any revelations of corruption emanating from his abandoned laptop.”

    Joe is beyond knowing what’s going on around him, but you can bet your ass the people pulling his strings — including good ol’ Dr. Jill — will sacrifice Hunter if that solves their problems. (Not like the little rat bastard deserves a good reckoning, anyways.)

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