The Republican Governors Association Oppo Researchers Never Found Racist Northam Photo For Gillespie Camp – IOTW Report

The Republican Governors Association Oppo Researchers Never Found Racist Northam Photo For Gillespie Camp

DC- The Republican Governors Association handled all the opposition research for Ed Gillespie when he ran unsuccessfully for governor of Virginia against Democrat Ralph Northam in 2017.

Following Gillespie’s primary win, the RGA’s opposition research team gave the campaign an opposition research book on Northam, but Northam’s medical school yearbook photo showing a man in blackface and another in a KKK outfit (shown below) wasn’t there.

Ray Zaborney of Red Maverick Media, who did not work on the opposition research side of the Gillespie 2017 campaign, told Penn Live that the RGA is expected to take full responsibility for not finding the offensive photo and release a statement.

“Obviously, everyone would have liked to have found the photo,” he said.

“This would have been nice to have. There’s no question about it and it’s really frustrating,” one individual with knowledge of the campaign indicated to The Daily Caller. However, Northam’s Democrat primary opponents Tom Perriello and Justin Fairfax (Fairfax later became Northam’s running mate in the general election), did not acquire the racist photo either from their own opposition research teams.

Another source with knowledge of the election confirmed that only the RGA and no other consulting firm was hired to do opposition research for the Gillespie campaign.  more

16 Comments on The Republican Governors Association Oppo Researchers Never Found Racist Northam Photo For Gillespie Camp

  1. Most likely they knew about it but didn’t give a shit. Because FUCK TRUMP or something. GOPe doesn’t care about winning – all they care about is making nice with the Wapo and Dems

  2. Why is it a crime/offense to put paint on your skin be it black, white, yellow, blue, green red or some other pigment? Just who has the right/authority to condemn, ban or dole out punishment for that? His heinous, evil crime was the advocation of infanticide, not some silly stunt that everyone has the right to freely do!

  3. I’d bet his wife was in the hoodie. Funny dat, when he was asked about the MJ costume he got excited about it till his wife kicked him in the nuts.
    Once a redneck white boy, always a cwaka.

  4. I’ve been reading more and more that this was planned longer than just an impromptu scam to divert from his infanticide comments. It seems Lt. Gov. Fairfax was the intended beneficiary (said to be an Obama clone)…but it was determined that *he* couldn’t win against Gillespie (R), so they ran Northam, with the intent to bump him at the next opportunity.

  5. They knew. Gillespie was just not “their guy”, so they worked against him. Same thing with Ken Cuccinelli before him. They weren’t the guys the party told us to elect, so the party didn’t help them. The party wanted “centrists”, and both those guys were real conservatives. And they both could have won, but the party had to punish Virginia for voting for the wrong guys in the primaries.

  6. There are only so many hours in a day. We’ve all got to prioritize. The Republicans were looking for “knock down” “news”. Not weekend distractions. Things like “Have you ever been late in renewing your subscription to ‘The Weekly Standard’?”

  7. To be fair, nobody was scouring yearbooks until Roy Moore in the same election cycle. And like everybody says up there, the GOPers would never use yearbook dirt, because that’s not who they are. What the GOPers need to understand is that Dems will not take a pass on GOPer yearbook dirt.

  8. Not sure I consider Gillespie a conservative. Having said that, i agree the GOP in VA is spineless. But this is almost laughable. Can’t wait until the find a tape or video of black LT Gov using the N word as a young man.

  9. White Democrat Refuses to Shake Hands With Pro-Life Black Candidate

    Guess who??

    Yup, ya’ guessed right:

    NOV 4, 2013 | 1:06PM RICHMOND, VA

    Virginia Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam is the subject of nationwide condemnation today for refusing to shake hands with his pro-life black conservative Republican opponent, E.W. Jackson. Northam was caught on camera refusing to shake Jackson’s hand after supporting Obamacare and attacking conservative Christian voters.

    As a pro-life, conservative African-American, Jackson has been pegged with the typical “Uncle Tom” attacks throughout the campaign from liberals who claim he is selling out his ethnicity by taking principled conservative stances and opposing abortion.


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