The Resemblance – IOTW Report

The Resemblance

It’s Uncanny.

6 Comments on The Resemblance

  1. I shudder. Western civilization has become a joke of woke

    emasculated male ‘leaders’, each ready to out-virtue one another while they debauch themselves on young teenage girls & pre-pubescence children to ensure their flacid ‘manhood’. women ‘leaders’ that fervently desire to make their fathers watch them in coitus with men that their fathers disapprove of … ‘like me now, daddy?’

    our ‘leaders’ today, are truly despicable people … those that rule, without consequences, throughout history, have always been this way.

    a great shift has been created. the West will fall. the idiots in charge have guaranteed it

    it’s only a matter of time until we either conform, or be loaded on the Cattle Cars

    ammo up! it’s time to choose

  2. @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ July 1, 2022 at 1:13 am

    > it’s only a matter of time until we either conform, or be loaded on the Cattle Cars
    > ammo up! it’s time to choose

    Mind you I don’t know whether you’ve really considered the advantages of running a really fine train of modern cattle cars. You know, they can really do you wonders.

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