By K.H. Cutts
Donald Trump won by converting voters across the constituency spectrum. But in the euphoria of his victory, including winning the Senate and the general right turn of the entire country, it’s easy to forget that the nation remains deeply divided, and the margin of victory was narrower than conservatives’ ecstasy warrants. Split tickets and ignoring the down-ballot in close Senate contests suggest that MAGA is, presently, at least as much a Trump phenomenon as it is a national movement. And the metamorphosis he created may prove ephemeral with his exit. In short, a compelling leader who persuades is great, but having a culture that creates and manufactures ready-made conservatives would be even better.
Entertainment is the Rosetta Stone of culture, and culture is the path to political nirvana. We’ve become aware of and angry over the pollution emanating from much of academia, but the influence from that quarter is less than that exercised by the entertainment world. Universities train foot soldiers to shape and use the culture, but their success has occurred because the mechanics, the cultural ground, was ceded without a fight. While emptying the vomit from education is imperative, engaging progressives in the entertainment marketplace is of even greater importance. more here
Although I agree with the title, we must also be clear-eyed about recognizing the existence of “The Deep State” within industries (not just government) like Hollywood, Academia, and the legacy media. Those at the top pulling the strings (Globalists and Corporatists) will prove just as tenacious and unrelenting in opposing any usurpation of that power.
Inroads have been achieved within MSM, precisely because people hunger for the truth and will abandon the old if it does not serve them. The same battle plan can be used in the entertainment world. Provide an entertaining, intelligent product that exhibits some moral clarity that most people embrace, and the people will come.
Yes, folks like stories, but these stories should move you, have a message, and be relatable to the common man. Degeneracy, narrcisicim, and despair are the only things Hollywood offers today. we can do better.
Useful idiot, George Clooney, learns that he’s a useful idiot.
“Although I agree with the title, we must also be clear-eyed about recognizing the existence of “The Deep State” within industries”
Think back to 1938 and the Un American Activity hearings. Where there’s enough smoke you’ll find some flame. Nothings changed. In fact it’s gotten a lot worse. Why do you think that little faggot De Niro hates Trump so much?
My father, God rest his soul, said many times about our Conservative subculture, “We must buy the media,” if we want to win the culture war. He would have applauded Musk’s Twitter purchase. But, we do have a long way to go.
You’re assuming that the left vote was:
1. valid,
2. votes by a portion of the populace with a greater than room temperature IQ