The rise of personal dictatorships – IOTW Report

The rise of personal dictatorships

American Thinker:

By Michael James

The little dictators are all around us these days.

I watched a short video of “protestors” in Bisbee, Arizona imposing their political ugliness upon the wedding of a young woman because Senator Kristen Sinema was officiating at the ceremony.

It was brutal.

The mother of the bride, in tears, begs the crowd to be quiet for just an hour.  In response, a woman says, “Will you tell her (Sinema) that she is a sellout, tell her that we don’t like what she’s doing to our country!”  As this ogre reaches the word “country” her voice hardens and her hands gesticulate; a beastlike rage has overtaken her humanity and she yells at the pleading mother, “You know what, tell her, tell her!”

It’s a heartbreaking scene.

Heartbreaking because this protestor can see that the mother is terribly upset and helpless in a most innocent manner, yet the picketer goes in for the kill anyway.

“Tell her, tell her!”

Personal dictatorships are all around us these days.  From the Oberlin hermit whose life must not be disturbed by a heating and cooling mechanic of cis persuasion to the student I recently heard tell a teacher, “You should know that I’m hypersensitive to criticism.” read more

h/t NAACP.

8 Comments on The rise of personal dictatorships

  1. It started to hit home with the Goddamned vegetarian shitheads trying to usurp unilateral veto authority over restaurant choices about forty years ago. I shut the fuckers down cold and told them to fuck themselves in the ear and I haven’t been to a restaurant ever that didn’t have something for them. I have never heard of a vegetarian restaurant that satisfied my dietary habits and I am not going to bend over and grab my ankles because of your self inflicted eating disorder.

    I actually had a vegetarian girlfriend in my 20’s, but she was really cool and wasn’t at all like that though. She liked the McDonalds burger minus the meat so I got double meat on mine. She would take the meat off of hers and give it to me.

    Today they try and pull the very same stunt on a global scale. I just let them know that I don’t give a flying fuck about satisfying their pathological need to control others and slaking their thirst for power.

  2. It stated 180 years ago or so when Darwin opened the box to “intellectuals” questioning God’s role as creator.

    Now we are in a world with everyone “creating” themselves into whatever they want to be. Humanity is oblivious to it’s sin nature, selfishness, and evil.

    We have given up the Biblical world view of our ancestors for the corrupt worldview of the devil.

    Having fun yet?


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