The Rolling Genocide of America’s Blacks – IOTW Report

The Rolling Genocide of America’s Blacks

American Thinker- When is a genocide not a genocide?  When it is a “rolling genocide.”  When it is an ongoing but never finished extermination of a people targeted for destruction.  When it rolls on, generation after generation.  When it is too profitable to bring to an end.

In ancient times, most cultures offered sacrifices to appease or honor their gods.  Throughout the Old Testament, the term “burnt offering” referred to the Jewish ritual burning of crops (“firstfruits”) and the sacrifice of animals (“firstborn”) as an offering to God.  In older translations of Scripture, the word for burnt offering was “holocaust.”  Contrary to common belief, the word did not originate with Hitler’s “Final Solution” during World War II.

Child Sacrifice Forbidden by God

Throughout the pre-Christian world, most cultures, Hebrew and pagan alike, included their own children in their sacrificial offerings.  However, the God of the Hebrews ordered an end to this inhuman practice.

The First Final Solution

In the aftermath of World War II, the word “Holocaust” took on a much larger and more dreadful meaning: the systematic slaughter of over 6 million European Jews and millions of other “undesirables” by the Nazi regime before and during World War II.  The word has become synonymous with pure evil.

What do these ancient tales and distant horrors have to do with us in these enlightened times?  Everything.  Simply put, this is the story of Planned Parenthood and the systematic extermination of an entire people through the destruction of their own children.  Since 1973, more than 18 million black children of the 60.9 million abortions (31%) have been deliberately killed.  By one estimate, the black population has been reduced by more than 25% since theRoe v. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion.

Margaret Sanger, “Father” of Planned Parenthood

The ghost of Margaret Sanger casts a century-long shadow.  Because of her enormous influence in promoting and implementing her humanist, anti-religious, pro–birth control, and eugenic philosophy throughout the United States and around the world, one biographer called her the “Father of Modern Society.”  From the beginning of Sanger’s birth control crusade, she specifically targeted immigrants and ethnic and religious minorities, especially blacks, Hispanics, and what she once described as “the Catholic race.”  Sanger referred to these inferior races as “human weeds” and a “menace to civilization” to be segregated and sterilized.  read more

h/t forcibly deranged.

11 Comments on The Rolling Genocide of America’s Blacks

  1. I’m not sure if Sanger actually wanted the complete genocide of Blacks or just a severe restriction of their numbers to manageable minimal levels needed for servants, laborers, and such.

    But she didn’t seem to think them worthy of much, and certainly didn’t want them breeding without controls.

  2. Kinda ironic that Round Up is evil for being an effective, ACTUAL weed killer, but kill “human weeds” (Sanger’s words, not mine), and yer glorified.

    There’s a special place in Hell…

  3. “Colored people are like human weeds and need to be exterminated.”
    Margaret Sanger.
    “I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision..”
    Hillary Clinton

    That be Moe tom.

  4. Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, is a landmark decision issued in 1973.
    Since 1973, more than 18 million black children of the 60.9 million abortions (31%) have been deliberately killed.
    Still not acceptable according to the MSM since they push that the US population is 60% black to 30% white.

  5. Mengele’s Mom is buried in Albany Rural Cemetery…Albany, NY about 5 miles north just west off I-787.

    Instead of stopping at a rest area on I-87 or I-90 you can take a leak there.

    Simple, flat, large enough, very hittable…no good aim needed.

    Just sayin’

  6. Addendum!

    Make that FISHKILL Rural Cemetery.

    That said one hour SOUTH of Albany more closer to I-84 for those travelers with a heavy bladder…


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