The Run Down – IOTW Report

The Run Down

The following articles are about The Arizona election [preliminary] audit report:


Arizona Audit Firm Says Maricopa County Didn’t Give Them Key Information Until Day Before Hearing.

ARIZONA AUDIT: 9,589 EXCESS Mail-in Ballot Envelopes Counted by Maricopa County, BLANKS Verified and Approved.

Attorney Matt DePerno: Arizona Audit Officials Were Threatened – Forced to Water Down Audit Report (VIDEO)

Trump Joins Call To Decertify Arizona’s 2020 Election Results

ARIZONA: Kelli Ward, Sen Warren Petersen Call On AG Brnovich to Take Action After Audit Exposes Potential Lawbreaking.

“It appears that they broke the law with duplicate ballots. That’s a huge deal”



Wendy Rogers Reads ‘New Declaration Of Independence’ Letter Demanding Nationwide Audits Amid Massive Calls To Decertify 2020 Election.

17 Comments on The Run Down

  1. The following is a comment at Conservative Tree House summarizing the AZ audit results that I find very interesting and informative. There seems to be a lot of disinformation about this audit being spewed by the MSM– as if that weren’t expected. But anyhoo, this is worth reading:
    “Here are the findings reported yesterday by the auditors from the physical count (Biden margin of victory 10k): • 255,326 early voters who have no matching voter records • 17,322 duplicate ballot envelops – 90% received after election day • 9,041 more ballots received than mailed out • 1,551 more ballots received than eligible voters • 399 mail in ballots received that were never mailed out • 23,344 ballots received from voters who were not eligible to vote as they had moved out of state • 2,382 in person votes received from voters who were not eligible • 5,295 voters voted in multiple counties • 282 dead people voted
    If we don’t have free and fair elections, win or lose, we don’t have a democracy. When a leader is installed it’s called a coup.
I have wondered since November of last year, just how Joe Biden became the most popular president in American history. We are starting to see how this happened.
    Yesterday the AZ Senate received their audit report from the auditors, and I invested 2.5 hours of my Friday night to watch. Historically the media would share this information with you, but we live in a different time.
    To begin you should know that the Dems sent more than 100 attorneys to Phoenix to try to stop the audit, filing 5 different lawsuits, all of which failed. As you have heard our national media has tried to paint this audit as being somehow fraudulent. The Biden DOJ filed suit, ultimately preventing the auditors from conducting a physical canvas, claiming it would amount to voter intimidation.
    The Maricopa County Board of supervisors which run the election in the county have been subpoenaed multiple times to provide information and still to this day refuse to turn over the routers from the counting center on election day, the laptops used by the poll workers and several other critical pcs of hardware. Note: from day 1, Dominion voting systems (voting machines) and the BOS have claimed that none of the equipment was ever connected to the internet.
    In reality all of the voting machines were connected to Internet. Forensic analysis on the equipment that was turned over shows: • 85,000 files were deleted from the election management servers from 10/21 to 11/5 via remote access • 1M election management system files were deleted from the server from 11/1 to 3/16 via remote access • On 2/21, the day before the audit was to begin, the entire SQL Server database from the 2020 election was deleted from the election management server. (they have managed to secure video footage of the county employees performing this delete)
    By Federal law election data must be preserved for a minimum of 22 months. 
Pray for our country.”

  2. Will anything come from this?

    Shouldn’t heads roll and people like election personnel be fitted in orange jumpsuits?

    Usurpers need to be immediately removed (and shot by firing squad so as to avoid letting them hang around as an example for further insurrection.

  3. This is still the Color Revolution. Designed by our very own CIA to topple Governments in foreign countries that it didn’t approve of. And now being used on us. The media plays a key roll in feeding the masses the bull shit they want them to hear and that’s exactly what’s going on right now. Including FOX.
    All that ends when Arizona De Certifies it’s electorates. And they will be fought tooth and nail doing it so let’s hope they get it done. If they do other will follow.
    Steve Ducey needs to be water boarded until he tells us who exactly is behind this.

  4. “ Steve Ducey needs to be water boarded until he tells us who exactly is behind this.”👍🏻👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  5. Once an election is certified it can not be un or de certified. Next Cyber Ninja’s came up with even more votes for Biden. That equals absolutely no reason or proof for that to even be attempted. In the case of a presidential election, once votes are certified & the candidate is certified as the winner, the only way he can be removed from office, is through impeachment or the 25th amendment.

  6. The propaganda media decided to release a fake report so that’s what people saw first.
    Not one Republican has mentioned it from House or Senate.
    Not even the ones who say they won’t be swamp rats.
    Go figure.

  7. I do not agree with you, if it was that easy (decertification) a republican state would of already started this process. Never the less a sitting president can not be removed from office this way.

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