The rush to raise $10M for Trump legal team – IOTW Report

The rush to raise $10M for Trump legal team

Washington Examiner:

In a “mad dash” to fund President Trump’s ballot legal fights, his fundraising team has quickly moved to collect “tens of millions” of dollars to pay for battles in several states.

The effort started with emails to low-dollar donors on Wednesday about this site, but today there was a morning call with major donors, and “thousands” were on the call ready to write checks and fan out to shake the bushes.

The immediate goal is to raise at least $10 million or more in the next 72 hours, said one Trump ally.

“We are mobilizing and marshaling the full capabilities of the Trump fundraising machine to ensure we have the right personnel and resources to make this a free and fair election, devoid of any fraud and protecting the sanctity of every American voter’s constitutional right to be heard. Illegal votes negate real ones,” said Blair Brandt, a Florida GOP fundraiser and political strategist.

He also told Secrets, “We want to count every legal vote. This is not some stretched out theory. There are massive and real irregularities in the data and transparency procedures in the key swing states determining the next president for the next four years. We have to get this right if it takes the next four days.”

The effort by one of the most successful fundraising operations ever is expected to beat its work for the Trump campaign. read more

17 Comments on The rush to raise $10M for Trump legal team

  1. Why is their funding system set up to contribute $X (say $50) today, then the system will automatically bill your cc for the same amount the next day?

    Why not just a one time transaction for 2x $X ($100), and be done with it?

    Do they see some benefit to have contributor count higher per day?

    One time and done would be less bureaucracy, less time spent on processing the contribution.

    If you contribute – soon you receive another email, Thank you for helping. Will you also contribute $Y to cover the processing fee? Seems more a scheme just to collect another $5, $10, or whatever amount you click on.

    [Before election day you had to read the contribution page carefully. The box to contribute the same amount each day for the next 30 days “was already checked”. You had to uncheck it, or be in trouble when your cc statement arrived. Your contribution would end up being 15x the total amount you were willing or could afford to contribute]

    It’s an awkward system, imo. But I haven’t contributed to support a politician with money for 40 years, and then it was a piece of paper, and an envelope with a postage stamp.

  2. If Trump doesn’t beat this then it might not matter anyway because if they get away with this, 2 years from now they will take control of the House and Senate with huge majorities. Within 5 years from now we will be true communist/marxist/socialist, whatever you want to call it as it’s all the same. We’ll be digging in trash cans for food.

    However, if Trump and our country succeeds, these bastards must be defeated in primaries their next election and all of them need to be blacklisted to where they couldn’t get elected as dog catcher and all of their illegal deeds need to be exposed. Not all of them are still in office, but their illegal deeds still need to exposed and they need to be destroyed.

    Adam Kinzinger, Larry Hogan, Marco Rubio, Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Will Hurd, Denver Riggleman, Chris Christie, Rob Portman and Mike Lee.

  3. Hmmm, from your The Hill linked story from Nov 21, 2019 –

    “Krebs added that “At a time when we know foreign actors are attempting to interfere and cast doubt on our democratic processes, it’s incredibly important elections are secure, resilient, and transparent.”

    The biggest threat to our election security and faith in our election process being honest.

    Isn’t coming from “foreign actors”. It is coming from the democrat party, our own fed gov agencies in the deep-state, the big-tech social media companies, and our own MSM. Our internal domestic enemies.

  4. @Eponymous, I heard that the real ballots had a water mark and one of those codes. Not a bar code. I forget what they’re called. (Been awake since 3)

    I’ve been telling my husband all year that Trump exposed the swamp and the left for who they really are and that’s why they came out full socialism. They figured this was it if they were going to have their chance to take over. Otherwise they wait another 100 yrs.

    If they win elections mean nothing and we are officially a banana republic.

  5. @Marooned: Because Trump is doing this for America and not for himself. Why should he sell his personal property when he has millions of people who will send the cash to help him. Cash is quick, real estate isn’t.


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