The Scuzzinater: Arnold is a hypocrite! – IOTW Report

The Scuzzinater: Arnold is a hypocrite!

WARNING: Sleazy photo.

Truthfeed: Idiot Arnold Schwarzenegger condemned Trump’s ELEVEN YEAR OLD  “guy talk” comments about “grabbing a women’s p**sy.”

He must have forgotten that while Trump may have SAID those words, he is the one who was actually GRABBING at a woman’s vagina, as seen in this viral photo.  MORE


h/t Doc.

If you’re famous, people let you do just about anything, eh?

21 Comments on The Scuzzinater: Arnold is a hypocrite!

  1. They all are. That’s why this election is the best fine ever.

    -Diniro goes insane over silly remarks (years ago he felt bad for poor Bill….close but no cigar)
    -A boat load of actors demand we vote for Clinton and end with the promise of seen in one funny looking guys package
    -Anderson banana Cooper – ‘nuf said

  2. Arnold turned out to be a coward when his first proposition ballot failed. From then on he never stood up to the legislature and pushed California deeper into the quicksand. He’s made a few fun movies but at the end of the day is just a steroid pumped chickenshit RINO who married Skeletor then jumped the ugly maid instead, had a kid and the wife gave him a beatdown at the divorce (which is better then being disemboweled I suppose) and he won’t be back.

  3. POOR AHHNALD…my eyes weep……….NOT! Suck it up “Steroid Moobs”. When the weight training ends, all the puffed up parts head south, gravity wins. Now go away! You have the intelligence of a toothpick.

  4. This guy has all the class of a reformed sex addict who lapses every chance he gets. He didn’t accomplish anything as Governor of California. We should all be thankful that the Constitution prevented him for running for President. This guy has grabbed more ladies than any politician in modern history, and that includes Bill Clinton. Just take a look at the quality of his most famous conquest. No, not the very scary thin thing, his Mexican maid. How lazy was he that he couldn’t drive down Hollywood Boulevard looking for anything better. He needs to shut his Nazi pie hole and just admit he’s another Hillary supporter.

  5. …..say the man whose housekeeper bore him a son only five days after his wife did.

    Christopher Sargent Shriver Schwarzenegger born September 27, 1997 to Maria Shriver.

    Joseph Baena born October 2, 1997 to Mildred Patricia Baena.

  6. Time to move on from the “pussy” talk and onto Hitlerys devastating emails. I asked where has the mysterious Huma Wiener been lately, I have not seen her at all lately, caressing the most beautiful thing shes ever seen, Hitlery…

    Now I read that wikileaks may have a recording of Hitlery, made without her knowledege, by Huma Wiener. Why would Huma Wiener record Hitlery you ask??? Hmmmm… why would the muslim brotherhood planted “honey trap” ever secretly record Hitlery ?? especially after they just celebrated their 20th anniversary together ?? Hmmmm…. I wonder why…

    Bill is still a RAPIST though, that and her emails are what we now must focus on.

  7. we only made him gov. so we could get rid of that other shit head grey davis, then when arnold wanted to be president we threw his ass out too. we all knew what arnold was, is and has done. he’s just like bill clinton, only clinton is not a movie star and arnold was never a politician, but both of them are liars, rapists and total idiots. we don’t mess around out here in socali, but if they want to play games we can make up new games all day long for them to play. here’s a new game we just started. we’re getting tired of hollywood, so were sending it to china with spielberg and ma. don’t need them anymore, and besides if hollywood is in china then they can’t donate money to US political campaigns anymore. haha, see how stupid these thespians are.

  8. when we start taxing marijuana and get the budget fixed here moon beam brown is on his way out. the 2018 california gubernatorial election will be a new breed of election. in 2 years we will be seeing what happens when you let the patients run the asylum.

  9. Arnolds always been an ass hole. Back in 1980 he broke all the Mr. O rules and got himself entered into the contest. The rest of the contestants were not happy. Most those big guys were not very good athletes with the exception of Mike Mentzer who was a bad ass. The picture posted in the link was taken right after Mentzer stepped into the room. Right before that Arnold was in a couple peoples face acting like a tough guy. He wisely sat down.

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