The second annual ‘Hoax of the Year’ award goes to… – IOTW Report

The second annual ‘Hoax of the Year’ award goes to…

American Thinker:
By Eric Utter

Last year at this time, I noted that “we are living in a time of hoaxes, an era of deceit on an unprecedented scale.”  That assertion is, remarkably, even truer this year.  Hence, I decided that a Second Annual Hoax of the Year Award was logical, even necessary.

Last year, I concluded: “The remarkably rapid pivot from the Russian Collusion Hoax to the Great Election Hoax of 2020 clearly constitutes the greatest back-to-back hoaxing in recorded history.  Therefore, I award them a tie for 2020 Hoax of the Year.”  With that in mind, let’s have a look at this year’s hoaxes, shall we?

Incredibly, there was an even richer field of hoaxes to pick from in 2021, and it’s possible I may regret the fact that I have once again decided to declare a winner so early.  After all, in this climate, who knows what could happen in the next six weeks?  That said, I am confident that no new hoax has time enough to supplant the ones currently considered.

First off, there is the continuing Climate Change Hoax, previously known as the Global Cooling Hoax and later the Global Warming Hoax.  Unfortunately for those who are ultra-invested in promulgating the belief that man-caused warming will render the planet uninhabitable in the next decade or two, the Antarctic Ice Sheet grew at a record pace this past year.  The climate has always been changing and always will change…with or without us.  That is why we have terms like “climate” and “weather.” more here

7 Comments on The second annual ‘Hoax of the Year’ award goes to…

  1. No edit, but really the scamdemic is one for the century or all time! All negative bullshit around the world flows from it.

    Wasn’t around for the tulip bulb one, but think we got that one beat also. (Mid 1600’s?)

  2. This year, COP26-the climate change scam.
    2020 – Biden
    2019 – Covid-1984

    The Carbon taxes that are coming down the pipe will be HORRIFIC.

    What Canadian Assholes do not realize is that by Jan 01/2022 there is another $0.27 of CARBON TAX per Litre.

    Per Litre which is about $0.68 per Gallon

    Let’s Go Greta!

    PS. I hear the Sushi & Champagne were “To Die For”

  3. “The Covid Came From Bat Soup” hoax is still going strong, well into its second year. For a little while, it looked like it was going to be debunked, as even the media was openly questioning it. But China must have thrown some money and threats around, because nobody will touch the lab leak theory with a ten-footpole now.


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