The Secret Service Is a Clusterfeck – IOTW Report

The Secret Service Is a Clusterfeck

I wouldn’t trust some of these people to guard my toilet.

Daily Signal:
Susan Crabtree 

Rancor, recriminations, and serious formal misconduct complaints have plagued all levels of the Secret Service detail assigned to protect former President Donald Trump over the past year, distracting the team from its core mission of securing Trump from physical harm and preventing an assassination.

Trump’s regular detail team, a force of 60 employees—special agents and support staff—has been beset by internal division, long workdays and weeks, and constant stress. Last year, the team lost one of its members to suicide.

Among the allegations are accusations of improper sexual relationships or fraternization within the team, debilitating mental health issues, non-merit-based promotions, conflict of interest issues, unfair retaliation, and the creation of inappropriate memes and social media posts.

On May 15, the top two leaders of Trump’s detail sternly dressed down the entire 60-member staff in a virtual meeting, announcing formal investigations into what they argued were serious misconduct violations, several sources in the Secret Service with direct knowledge of the online meeting tell RealClearPolitics. more here

26 Comments on The Secret Service Is a Clusterfeck

  1. When it comes to how well they are protecting Trump I think the SS knows exactly what they are doing. Again, tactically, a 130 yard shooting lane, the only 130 yards lane available at that place, is not left open unless it was intentional. Period, end of story.
    I hope to God Trump has hired some private contractors.

  2. Jethro
    There’s a real good video of people claiming the sniper team was taking fire from people at the tree line. If you’re commenting tonight I’ll try and link it below one of your comments. It ties everything together for me. And anything new coming out right now is the shadow Gov trying to muddy the waters.

  3. RE: The Water Tower

    Granted, the Water Tower vantage spot ‘would’ have ‘possibly’ seen Crooks on the Roof, but that’s ALL. Those Tree’s blocked the view of nearly all the areas of coverage needed. Probably seemed like a bad place for an SS Sniper limited numbers.

    Don’t place too much importance on the Tower.

    However, it will be manned next time. I bet on it.

  4. improper sexual relationships or fraternization within the team, debilitating mental health issues, non-merit-based promotions, conflict of interest issues, unfair retaliation, and the creation of inappropriate memes and social media posts.

    Typical Democrat resume enhancements.

  5. Kelso’s Space

    The real shooter/shooters were in the window behind Crooks. And there’s some strong evidence that Crooks was dead before the shot at Trump. I know, to much tin foil. But quite honestly it’s the only thing that adds up.

  6. Brad
    Wednesday, 14 August 2024, 14:59 at 2:59 pm
    “And there’s some strong evidence that Crooks was dead before the shot at Trump. I know, to much tin foil. ”

    A separate shooter and the patsy dead before the shooting started?

    Imagine that!

  7. True that, and that is what the principal actors are banking in. In the case of the Trump hit, it was either LIHOP or MIHOP and that is a stone cold natural fact Jack. Fuck me sideways if Ray Charles couldn’t see what went down was by design. It was and the country needs to get to the bottom of who was involved and then publicly execute every last one of the dirty motherfuckers.

  8. Stephen Paddock

    Exactly. Had they been successful the tree line would become the new Grassy Knoll.

    And just like Las Vegas they spread bull shit stories just to muddy the waters.

    To bad about that big ass hole in your head bro. LOL

  9. @Brad
    Tree line….
    The body cam video from the cop who tried to climb onto the roof shows someone on a motorcycle leaving the wooded area in a rush about the time he goes to his vehicle to retrieve his rifle.

  10. Jethro

    The video of the two snipers had me really confused. And one point you can see them ease back off the apex of the roof they were on. In another couple seconds they’re both looking at the tree line. It makes sense when you plug in some one shooting at them from the tree line. It would be interesting to see what you would come up with if you disregarded all the stories you see pop up on the internet and only consider eye witness testimony from the crowd.
    Also, I’ve never seen a pic of Crooks with a gun. I’ve read where they do have pics with him holding a rifle. I haven’t seen it. And I don’t think I’ve missed many.

  11. Let me ask you this: If Taylor Swift had been the target, what are the chances the crime scene would not have been secured? Not a chance in hell. The dirty motherfuckers washed it down, that tells you all that you need to know abut the narrative they are going with being abject bullshit.

  12. Marooned
    Wednesday, 14 August 2024, 17:07 at 5:07 pm
    “I repeat . . . why is Trump so niggardly? Why has he failed to buy the Pinkertons?”

    …the Pinkertons lost Lincoln, the original Republican, to a Democrat.


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