The selective outrage of fake feminist Senator Diane Feinstein – IOTW Report

The selective outrage of fake feminist Senator Diane Feinstein

GELLER REPORT: There are 49 Democrat senators in Washington, DC. Most of them are corrupt, dishonest, awful people. They are for the most part anti-America, which is why they are fighting President Trump’s pro-America policies intensely. However, if you were to rank the 49 Democrat senators on their depravity, Senator Diane Feinstein would be near the top of the list.

Senator Feinstein was elected to the Senate in 1992, during the so called “Year of the Women.” Like the “Me Too” movement of 2018, the women who represented the “Year of Women” movement are frauds. Diane Feinstein exploited the Anita Hill hearings to become the first woman elected to the Senate from the state of California. She has marketed herself as a champion of women’s rights, which is laughable.

Senator Feinstein’s passion for women’s rights does not include women who accuse any of her fellow Democrats or supporters of sexual misconduct.

The same Senator Feinstein who is trying to defame and destroy Judge Kavanaugh, by demanding an investigation into an alleged sexual assault 36 years ago, did nothing to support Juanita Broaddrick when she accused President Clinton of raping her. Feinstein couldn’t have cared less. Where has Senator Feinstein been in defending Karen Monahan, the former girlfriend of Rep. Keith Ellison, who has accused Ellison of domestic abuse? Feinstein had also accepted donations from sexual predator Harvey Weinstein, and has consistently dodged questions about the possibility of returning Weinstein’s donations.

In the Middle East, Feinstein has been a staunch supporter of the “Palestinian” Authority, despite their atrocious record of women’s rights violations. Feinstein also supported the Iran nuclear deal, which showered Iran’s leaders with billions of dollars, despite their subjugation of Iranian women.  read more

9 Comments on The selective outrage of fake feminist Senator Diane Feinstein

  1. There are public politics of piety, lies, and deception and there are private politics of scams, Ponzi schemes and get rich strategies and old prune Di does them both with equal fervor and talent!

  2. Politically speaking, I am hoping that I live long enough to see the older upper echelon of the Demonrats purged…..including, but not limited to Feinstein, Pelosi, Clyburn, Lewis, Waters, Sanders, Shumer, Warren.

  3. Despite pulling this nasty bit of character assassination, Dianne Feinstein might be replaced with an even more execrable California Leftard, Kevin de Leon. His election to the U.S. Senate will bring the Democrat Party down to a new low, which will hopefully hasten the demise of this socialist charade. On the other hand, de Leon will probably quickly become a contender for his deluded Party’s nomination to replace Osmidgen to finish ruining the country. He’s that bad.

  4. Feinstein has been one of the nicer of the corrupt democrat senators. She has the temperament of Vira from ‘Planet of the Apes’ and safe to say (since she is white), looks like her too.


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