The Senate Records Charade – IOTW Report

The Senate Records Charade

Patriot Retort:

On the day of his disastrous interview with Mika Brzezinsky, Joe Biden’s Team tweeted out a copy of the letter to the Secretary of the Senate — purportedly written by their guy – requesting a search of Senate records for any complaint filed by Tara Reade.

Well, today, the Secretary of the Senate responded saying the office has “no discretion to disclose any such information.”  Laws passed by Congress prohibit any public dissemination of Senate records.

“Based on the law’s strict confidentiality requirements (Section 313) and the Senate’s own direction that disclosure of Senate Records is not authorized if prohibited by law [snip] Senate Legal Counsel advises that the Secretary has no discretion to disclose any such information as requested in Vice President Biden’s letter of May 1.”

What a shock.

12 Comments on The Senate Records Charade

  1. An aimless gesture from a profoundly aimless pervert.

    Have you not noticed the increase in media chatter to replace him with Hillezelbub and Manchelle?

    The plate is bring set for the senile pedo to shuffle of stage.

    The satanic bastard is reaping his earthly reward while Lucifer laughs about reeling in another stupid sucker.


    It’s all a delay tactic to clean up the crime scene, and then allow people to see that nothing exists.

    Why not just ask Tara Reade if and when she filed a complaint, with whom, and follow it from there?

  3. Why are Senate records not available to the public? What is this, Russia?

    I’ve not heard this before, and it’s disturbing. They don’t want us to see how the sausage factory works.

  4. It’s the thin Red & Blue line. Keep quiet. Protect your own. Go home safely at the end of your shift. Retire comfortably rich at the end of your carreer.

  5. Aren’t we still waiting for full disclosure of congressional use of taxpayer funds used as payoffs to victims of congress persons caught ‘overextending” their powers to include sexual or inappropriate actions or behaiors of staff or interns?????

    How much did Freaky Joe have paid for him by our taxpayer funds, over 30 years.

    Is there a fund to quiet executive office personnel?

    We really need a audit of congress and each government department.

    Wouldn’t accountability to their employers be standard at any level of business?

    We ARE the employers. OUR funds are not endless and they need to quit spending OUR money like drunken sailors on shore leave.

    Call for an audit of everything taxpayers pay for in any way.

  6. Whilst we are on the subject of waste….. fed gov departments to obliterate (B):

    Bankruptcy Courts
    Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program
    Bonneville Power Administration
    Botanic Garden
    Bureau of Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade
    Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)
    Bureau of Consular Affairs
    Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
    Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
    Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP)
    Bureau of Indian Affairs
    Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS)
    Bureau of International Labor Affairs
    Bureau of Justice Statistics
    Bureau of Labor Statistics
    Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
    Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
    Bureau of Prisons (BOP)
    Bureau of Reclamation
    Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE)
    Bureau of the Census
    Bureau of the Fiscal Service
    Bureau of Transportation Statistics

  7. Crackerbaby,
    And what, do you propose, do we do with those, otherwise, unemployables?

    The Federal Government, similarly in many respects to State Governments, is a vast welfare scheme. The Lazy, the Imbecilic, and the Unemployable Politically Connected, can find a place at the public teat.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. We know damn well than any records that may have backed up Reade’s claims have been smuggled out of the National Archives and burned, likely this very week.

  9. It wouldn’t matter if Tara Reade could produce security camera video evidence of the assault, the democrat news media would refuse to show it, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube would ban it, and Snopes would declare it as false. Until Joe is no longer useful.

  10. Clearly, there is evidence in the records. Otherwise why is Joe not opening said records to public view? The fact that he messed with a young woman is neither here nor there to me, after all if no men ever tried to bang women how would the species continue? His virtue signaling is his own issue and it is what is causing the problem. The fact that he is a corrupt lifelong parasite on the public is likewise nothing to me, every dog has its fleas after all. The communists running him for president in a state of senile dementia is a serious concern however, reminiscent of the man putting his horse up for a senate seat in Roman times. We’re very near the end, to paraphrase a Christian belief often expressed.

  11. “Ms Reade?
    Ms Reade?

    Your ride to Ft. Marcy Park is here!
    And there are some FBI, CIA, and NSA guys to help!
    Along with Park Police and Capitol Police.
    EPS and SS are across the lawn … watching …”

    izlamo delenda est …


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