The Seven Dwarfs on the debate stage – IOTW Report

The Seven Dwarfs on the debate stage

American Thinker:

By Patricia McCarthy

The grueling debate Friday night on ABC was actually sad for the seven debaters, with the exception of Andrew Yang, for they all are panderers of the first order. They all say only what they think their potential supporters want to hear. There are few core beliefs among them. 

They all seem either ignorant or in serious denial of the countless successes of the Trump administration because they all simply deny them. They are each depending, as usual, on the conviction that all Americans are very stupid and unable to discern between the truth and their lies meant to terrorize unwitting citizens about health care, global warming, and President Trump.

There was not an honest broker on that stage except Yang, and he has no chance of being the nominee because is a relatively normal human being. The debate brought to mind Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937). Among the dwarfs, Yang would be Happy.

Poor Joe Biden! He is Sleepy. He is out of the game but is so asleep at the wheel that he has yet to realize the fact. He has no business being in this race. Even Obama will not endorse him; he knows only too well what Joe has been up to, using his position as senator and V.P. to enrich himself and his family for decades. Joe is as corrupt as they come; he has always felt entitled to use his position of power for his and his family’s personal benefit.

Biden is the worst kind of politician and the type who should never be president. His mental acuity is obviously declining day by day. He would not have authorized the strike against Soleimani! He was opposed to the killing of Osama bin Laden! By what criteria is this man qualified to be president if he would not protect us? Robert Gates wrote in his book that Biden has been wrong on foreign policy for forty years. Indeed, he has. Sleepy Joe will never be president.

Elizabeth Warren is Dopey! 

11 Comments on The Seven Dwarfs on the debate stage

  1. The contrast between Trump and any Democrat candidate could not be more stark. Trump is brash, unruly, unapologetic, combative, and self-assured which is, or at least was until my generation came along, America in a nutshell. Sure, America had some problems, but Americans were willing to fight through these issues until they were solved. No one loved peace more than Americans, but no one was more willing and able to kick ass when threatened. The Republicans reluctantly ended up with candidate Trump in 2016, and Trump began steering America back to its brash, unruly, unapologetic, combative, and self-assured roots. That’s MAGA, and it’s contagious.

    The Democrats have chosen the opposite route; they will pander to any and all who want to be a victim and a government ward. All causes, no matter how loony, are legitimate to these people, and they promise there is nothing government can’t do although as a general rule the government can’t do anything. Democrats are trying to remove the life out of living, and they offer nothing more than a participation trophy as the highest level anyone can achieve. Their promises range from the unworkable to the insane, and they claim they can provide everything to everyone, recognize and promote the lunatic beliefs of any person, and fix the earth itself. But Democrat politicians believe in power for themselves, and that’s it.

    The current crop of candidates are truly deceptive and dangerous people. Donald Trump is really an open book – he says what he will do and does what he says – but these Democrats belong on the scrapheap of history if we have any sense at all.

  2. @Wyatt – VERY WELL spoken. The only thing I would add is that democrats (and, sadly, establishment republicans) believe that government is god and that the true God is a threat to their power, and must be removed from society at all costs.


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