The Shat won’t trash The Donald. ‘I Consider Myself a Guest Here’ – IOTW Report

The Shat won’t trash The Donald. ‘I Consider Myself a Guest Here’

Well, ain’t that some shat?


Iconic Star Trek actor William Shanter refused to bad-mouth President Donald Trump in a recent interview with the Daily Beast about his new book, Spirit of the Horse.

Speaking with the outlet in an interview published Monday, Shatner made it clear that he did not add his name to an open letter last year denouncing Trump’s candidacy.

“I didn’t do that. I would never have done that,” the actor said of the anti-Trump letter posted on the Trek Against Trump Facebook page last September.

Notable personalities like original series star George Takei, who played Hikaru Sulu, and Star Trek Into Darkness director J.J. Abrams, an outspoken Clinton supporter, also signed the letter.

As the Beast reporter attempted, again, to get Shatner to dish on Trump, the actor made it clear that he wasn’t willing to pan the president.  more

25 Comments on The Shat won’t trash The Donald. ‘I Consider Myself a Guest Here’

  1. Well, well, good on you, Bill. I always do enjoy reading his twitter feed where he trolls all of the self righteous little creeps [obsessive fangirls] who ruin tv shows for me. :b

  2. Wasn’t this his tweet after the election? “Let’s face the facts; the world has changed today as we wake up to an unimaginable outcome.” 😳😢


  3. About finished watching the original series on Netflix. Low tech special effects, but usually a good story line.
    Doohnan (Scotty) was also a Canadian (not Scottish) and WWII veteran – lost his middle finger in combat.

  4. George [Sulu] both his wrists have gone limp, he is a screaming liberal.
    Captain Kirk [Bill Shatner] has class enough to not get involved in the fray.
    Stay as long as you want, friend.

  5. Verdict’s in: Shatner is wiser than George Takei.

    Shatner’s a relentless self promoter. His only real accomplishment is one TV series, 40 years ago, that gradually found a following in reruns.
    He’s parlayed that one show (and TREK fandom) into a long career despite somewhat limited gifts. Good for him. Textbook self marketing, any aspiring celeb could learn from him. He must also have had an incredible succession of great Agents.

  6. He played Alexi Karamazov in Dostovesky’s “Brothers Karamazov”
    he was the good guy in that movie.

    But he is still an actor and his political positions are an act as well

    You have to be so cynical with these Hollywood guys.

  7. He’s 86. He doesn’t need to fellate perverts, virtue signal libshits or sport a Che T-shirt to keep from being blacklisted. There are many others in Stalinwood who must do those things in order to work.

    It’s a really sick industry.

    Porn is more honest. All you need are enormous genitals, a willingness to screw strangers in public on film and you have work. Pornographers don’t care if you voted for Trump or Donald Duck.

  8. Kirk was always the Captain of Choice.
    This bald headed Picard was a loser.
    A Romulan got on board Kirk’s ship he got kicked in the face for his trouble.
    Picard, not so much.
    Now Archer, he put a guy in the air lock and depressurized it.
    He got the job done.
    Still, I vote Kirk
    So what if he was a Dick sometimes.
    I hope Sulu catches his sack in a sliding glass door

  9. jpm……wherever did you get the idea that ALEXI was the good guy in “brothers?”

    i was 11 years old when i first read it….61 when i last read it…..and i NEVER EVER thought alexi was the “good” brother…..

    he was a wimp….he was a puppet……he did NOTHING…..even when he knew SOMETHING was being done……

    i’ve always subscribed to the famous quote from whomever first said it, but i can’t remember who it was…..”everything i needed to know about life, i learned by reading ‘the brothers karamozov’…”……

    vanya was no hero in that book……of course, neither was ivan, or mitya, or fyodor, or the bastard son…….

    there were NO heroes in that book, which is why it was such an important book…

  10. Twilight Zone
    The gremlin on the wing tearing up the plane and no one believed him. Played by John Lithgow in the Twilight Zone movie.
    Also, the young man in the diner owing his future to the fortune telling machine answers.

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