The sign of the Times Square – IOTW Report

The sign of the Times Square

Rumble — NYC Mayor De Blasio Dances with Wife in Times Square.
But that mask, though…

16 Comments on The sign of the Times Square

  1. As has been noted here many times and by many commenters, these sickos get off on getting away with it, and knowing that we know it. And then they get off again when their pet journos and academics lecture that “ It’s a Kwaanzaa symbol, you racists!”

  2. I hate the left and everything that they stand for. I’m glad to see that the Hodge twins (Kevin and Keith) are back and have recovered from having the chink flu. As for Diblasio and his pygmy wife with the pedophile symbol on her mask they can go both go to Hell. When are some of these power hungry, power mad dictator asshole mayors and governors gonna be held accountable and given the Mussolini treatment?

  3. You give these dopes too much credit. In order to be devious you have to be intelligent enough to connect the dots.

    Whats refreshing about the Hodge Twins, aside from their rock solid conservative bona fides, is that always seem happy and joke around. Contrast that to the lemon sucking miserable cranky black folks on the other side. Being a victim is hard work, it drains the soul. These guys are comfortable in their own skin.

  4. All these democraps are truly morally sick and evil people. If I saw some jackass wearing a pedophile symbol anywhere on their person I’d be mightily tempted to shoot them right between the eyes or beat the holy living snot out of them. Why do we put up with this bullshit?

  5. You know, I was going to give deblase’s wife and jackson-lee the benefit of the doubt, and assume that they were trying sport African tribal symbols or patterns. So I DDG’d “African Tribal Symbols”, and no where did the triangle symbol appear. Hmmmmm.

  6. geoff – In addition to Mussolini, here are a few more notable 3rd World precedents swirling around in the bottom of History’s dirty toilet who found fame at the end of a rope or the barrel of a gun. Power-hungry politicians should take note that people will only take so much, then Katy bar the door!
    Ion Antonescu
    Nicolae Ceaușescu
    Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
    Vidkun Quisling
    Saddam Hussein
    Jozef Tiso
    Dobri Bozhilov


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