The Silence of the Sheep – IOTW Report

The Silence of the Sheep

CFP: Crowd psychology is a branch of social psychology relating to behavior, and processes turning individuals into an entity called the crowd.


Psychological warfare aiming to destroy the target audience´s morale, value and belief system is also keen on bombarding ´´the mob´´ with eradicative propaganda. Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin were fascinated by mass psychology, and attempted to impose Freudian ´´horde leadership´´.

The history of mankind teaches that autocrats tend to ´´herd sheep´´ rather than humbly serve people, but also proves that many wolves in sheep´s clothing ended trampled in a stampede of the angry ´´followers´´.  more here

4 Comments on The Silence of the Sheep

  1. I disagree.
    The primary psychological technique in practice by those in power today is gaslighting. When people do not trust their own senses they are much more likely to accept the version of reality that is handed to them.

  2. Jim Jones is a good pick.
    He hailed from my neck of the woods, even ran into him once when he was slumming with the Democrat leaders in Oakland.
    He was the darling of the Democrats, and the left in particular.
    He is also the poster child for Democrat racial compassion as he “helped” all those black folk by luring them out of town and slaughtering them.
    Obama has done well in keeping up the proud Democrat tradition of keeping the boot on the necks of blacks.

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