The Silent Majority is Going to Get Loud – IOTW Report

The Silent Majority is Going to Get Loud

American Thinker: When government fails to act in the interests of its citizens, it’s their duty to take action.  For 20+ years, the United States has seen failure of government through unrestricted illegal immigration, one-sided trade deals, uncontrolled spending, and failed foreign policy.

Predictably this has created a seething anger within the American citizenry.  As was their duty, the citizens took action — at the ballot box.  They elected Donald Trump in 2016.  President Trump didn’t create the anger, the anger created him. 

While he made substantial strides in response to their grievances, his time in office was too short to fully institutionalize the necessary course corrections — particularly with unprecedented resistance from the Deep State.  The grievances of the citizenry remain unresolved.

Unfortunately, avenues of redress have continued to close.  Our institutions are no longer providing equal protection, our freedom of expression has been curtailed, and even our vote has been undermined.  These factors brought us to our current state — a level of political tension not seen in generations.  Traditional avenues of redress are under attack.

The United States has a heritage of civil protest as a means to effect political change.  However, even prior to the Trump era, legacy media has used gaslighting to undermine the protest messages.  Tea Party protesters were called racists and domestic terrorists.  Trump rally attendees were called white supremacists.  Peaceful protests have been called violent uprisings while violent protests (by BLM and Antifa) have been called “mostly peaceful.”  The media have effectively used propaganda to crush political expression.  They are attempting to impugn the speakers to discredit the message. more

14 Comments on The Silent Majority is Going to Get Loud

  1. Eliminate the MSM, they are nothing but an extension of the communist regime.
    Since they refuse to report the facts they have no business doing business in America.

  2. Good overview of everything we already know i.e. we’ve been overthrown and space aliens are running the USA. I cant come up with a more logical explanation for this crap. And it reminds me; where the flying FUBAR is the Arizona recount report?

  3. The democrat socialists decided that since they can’t win at the ballot box, they’ll simply steal the ballot box. And call anyone who challenges the theft as domestic terrorists.

    The days of being loud are over. It’s pointless to yell at the deaf. I can’t quite figure out how this gets resolved without a counter Revolution.

    It’s nothing any sane person desires but it seems inevitable.

    Who knew that the puppet masters could do so much harm in such little time? The junta is working 24/7/365 while the figurehead naps.

  4. I certainly hope the author realizes this exact same argument can be used by the other side, the progressive idiots, with equal validity and stridency.

    “When Trump got elected (and if anyone other Republican gets elected in the future), it is the duty to the people to rise up and resist tyranny. Not only was his victory illegitimate, using foreign influence, but it tainted our voting process. His border wall will prevent the poor and disenfranchised. from entering our country. His tax cuts will only benefit the already wealthy. His Amercia first doctrine will only alienate the rest of the world against us making it harder to work together. And his abject denial of climate change, not only makes us a laughing stock with the rest of the industrialized nations but it will doom our planet. No, this can not stand, we must rise up, we must resist, we must stand resolute against this tyranny”. They could all say that with a straight face and feel secure knowing that they have right on their side.

    “The grievances of the citizenry remain unsolved”

    And that will not change. Our differences are irreconsilable.

  5. Great summary,we shall see how the silent majority handles this.
    Our politicians are so great a part of the problem and continue to act as if they are clueless!
    They are either out of touch with us or as pious and arrogant as the left. Trump and a few others understand the silent majority.
    How do we get the message across?

  6. “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.“

    Richard Nixon’s administration did not like hearing the 5th Dimension sing the Declaration; one can only imagine what 46* thinks of it.

  7. They know all this that is why they just came out and said if you are critical of lockdowns/Covid policy/mandates, critical of election results from 2020 or have a beef with 9/11 you are a domestic terrorist, please report these people to the FBI. They don’t plan to allow 2022 elections to take place fairly. It is pretty obvious they are setting up a situation where they will either create a Jan 6th style event or force one to happen with their overreaching insanity. People that protest better not be armed, better not fall for rushing into any hospitals or vax centers (private property) or doing anything violent because that is what they want to happen so they can really come down hard on everyone with Marshall law. And I wouldn’t be surprised if this happens and of course it will be a bunch of crisis actors staging it in Trump gear.

  8. Yep, sooner or later the breaking point is coming. People are flat out fed up with having their lives run by bitchy, selfish cat ladies, neurotic hypochondriacs, and degenerate paedos & faggots. Enough… There are a lot of tall buildings and assholes needing to be tossed off those tall buildings, and time’s a wasting.

  9. “That I ain’t!’ said Sam. ‘Nor Mr. Frodo. He’s here and his friends. And that’s the to-do. They’re raising the Shire. We’re going to clear out these ruffians, and their Chief too. We’re starting now.’

    ‘Good, good!’ cried Farmer Cotton. ‘So it’s begun at last! I’ve been itching for trouble all this year, but folks wouldn’t help. And I’ve had the wife and Rosie to think of. These ruffians don’t stick at nothing. But come on now, lads! Bywater is up! We must be in it!'”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Return of the King”

    …that’s alwayz the problem, they will attack the weak if the strong oppose them, and it only works if you get your neighbors all on board as well…


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