The ‘Silent Middle’ Will No Longer Be Ignored – IOTW Report

The ‘Silent Middle’ Will No Longer Be Ignored

Daily Caller: Black Gun Advocate: The ‘Silent Middle’ Will No Longer Be Ignored [VIDEO]

It’s far past time for politicians to start paying attention to the “silent middle” and stop overlooking them, a black gun advocate said during a Friday news segment.

“What’s happening is that you have fringes on both side that are screaming and the silent middle is just being overlooked. We’re over taxed. We’re under-represented. We’re disregarded,” North Carolina resident Mark Robinson told “Fox & Friends” hosts. “A lot of times our words are ignored. That needs to cease.”


26 Comments on The ‘Silent Middle’ Will No Longer Be Ignored

  1. Right with Lady in Red. I watched the entire clip and heard Rush play various clips of it today. Outstanding commentary by Mr. Robinson! I stand with him!!

  2. I’m sure he’ll receive the Joe The Plumber treatment and be “doxxed.” We’ll soon know his income, credit history, cholesterol numbers, shoe size, and that he got in trouble for pulling Sally Smith’s hair in 3rd grade.

  3. Just curious: Why is it when a black, or other minority conservative says the same things as a white conservative, it gets so much press, as though it was a superior recommendation for the view? Conservatives aren’t supposed to make the distinction, right?

    Nonetheless, this man’s ability to put the argument is great!

  4. Bravo, Mark Robinson! So happy to see him get national recognition so quickly. We have such good people on our side in this fight.

    Happy belated birthday, MJA, and many happy returns.

  5. I’ve been watching the Masters and puttering around here. I’m wondering if Mr. Robinson is on any of the tv shows? Maybe Tucker will have him on. No way would CNN touch him.

  6. Abigail Adams – I generally don’t talk much or comment much here but your ‘just curious’ comment made me think and it prompts me to offer something in case you’re interested. I heard about Mark Robinson Thursday morning from conservative talk show guy Chris Plante, and then saw Robinson mentioned here and there after that. From what little I’ve seen so far on other blogs, I haven’t had the impression he’s getting extra press because he’s black. I understand what you’re saying and obviously have seen that played out before but with Robinson what resonates with me so strongly is the every man quality he has and the pluck he has to stand up and be heard.

    Bad Brad mentioned MR’s FB page and I haven’t looked at it yet but in the Fox interview Robinson mentions he has an online presence, so clearly he’s media savvy and he knows that stepping up in this political environment means presenting a target to the SJWs and most likely getting doxxed but he stood up anyway because good people have to stand up.

    I’m a small business owner, I’m blue collar, and I’m in a deep blue state. I live in a small city where lefties have been foaming at the mouth crazy since Trump won, they have the religious zeal of the Salem witch trials and they fly Resistance flags from their front porches, they’re unhinged. I can’t risk my livelihood (yet) and step up as publicly as Mark Robinson has but neither can I remain silent. In small ways I have been stepping up since Trump won, and seeing regular guy Mark Robinson step up as publicly he has is like a rallying cry from a brother in arms. That’s what it is about him that I’m responding to. I can’t think of someone else offhand in recent memory, a regular citizen, who has struck the same chord in me as he has. Apologies if this is too serious for IOW’s comment section 🙂

  7. @Guiness Girl
    “I generally don’t talk much or comment much here”
    Well, you need to change that. You hit the nail right on the head. I was gonna respond myself but I couldn’t have said it any better than you.

  8. Is he a gun advocate?
    (He did not say people should own guns. Per my memory.)

    I’d say he is a patriot.
    If you want to take guns, you are a traitor to The Constitution.

  9. EARLY on into this one I sent out the address (on youboob) for the video and then went back to check the numbers and I swear they had gotten smaller. E-mailed my “group” again telling all to forward and make this thing go viral to prevent what I thought I saw happening until it did finally started going to the higher numbers without reduction.

    Maybe I’m wrong (as I often am), but I really think I saw the numbers getting smaller in the beginning before they broke five thousand views.

    We “live in interesting times.”

  10. Guinness Girl — Thanks very much for your comment. And, no, it is not too serious for this site at all.

    Do you think it’s because Robinson is black and that, up until recently, it’s because blacks are “supposed” to be Democrats, that he and other minorities get more notice?

    I’m thrilled to pieces whenever a conservative makes a positive splash.

    Stick around and comment more often! 🙂

  11. Abigail Adams – thanks. With Robinson it didn’t cross my mind that he’s getting more notice than someone else because I can’t think of someone else (a regular citizen) who stood up recently in this way for 2A and didn’t get enough notice. Robinson doesn’t seem to be getting more notice than pro-gun Parkland student Kyle Kashuv, for instance. Both were lauded quickly and widely by our side.

    I’m tempted to say I think it’s harder for minorities to take public stands in favor of conservative issues because they get it from the leftist mob and they get it from their own ethnic group too. But these days white guys catch hell just for being alive, so it’s hard to say.


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