The Sixth Sense – IOTW Report

The Sixth Sense

This video is from January 31, 2022.
[Some naughty language]

12 Comments on The Sixth Sense

  1. Tell a lie.
    Tell a big lie.
    Repeat the lie.
    Saturate the Media with the lie.

    The lie becomes fact.
    (Goebbels – more or less)

    We are living the lie.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I remember when you could get into major league trouble with the school authorities in JHS in the mid 60’s if you even said hell or damn or worse dropped an f bomb and the Vice principal would bring out the board of education and swat you in the ass for using inappropriate or vulgar language.

  3. Us grey hair might not like it, but the youths do. Just be happy some of these guy don’t have there head up there ass. I like this guy. Listen to some his other stuff and see. No, i don’t care for the f bomb and such. But take the win you(we) old farts. 😉

  4. geoff the aardvark – Board of Education lol. We had a teacher that used a canoe oar with holes drilled in it to reduce air resistance. I got it once, and I could barely sit the rest of the day.


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