The Smile – IOTW Report

The Smile

Hat Tip: JC Lady

As soon as our Christian American president hears Bob Berdahl launch into some Arabic, B. Hussein Obama lights up.

18 Comments on The Smile

  1. Bergdahl’s comments brought back sweet memories….

    He has said that the Muslim call to prayer is “the most beautiful sound in the world.” (if you like the sound a man makes when someone stands on his balls.)

  2. The smile betrayed Hussein as a Trojan Horse and with it he gave any jury enough rope for his own hanging. This isn’t about appearing black, or calling people racists, it’s about having a black heart of hatred for America and acting on it. He’s begun to self ignite.

  3. I have a question.

    Has Gay Barry ever invited any musical act to DC to perform? No, I DON’T mean if some 13th level flunky was tasked with getting a band to DC. I mean has GAY BARRY HIMSELF ever invited a musical act to DC?

    I’ll bet not. Music is forbidden in islam and this has been the most “music-less” administration I can recall. I’d really like my question answered. Remember, just because …the President invited… does not mean that Gay Barry ASKED for them. Someone else just wrote “the president” on the invitation.

    Question 2:

    I wonder how long Gay Barry would survive in Iran?

  4. Only a man driven by Satan’s hatred could smile like that. I have to believe God will smite this bastard in a very public and visible way. He will not be mocked and that is just what Obama is doing.

  5. Just imagine if he had a top-pro administration and speech writers…As opposed to these children he has working for him. We would truly be f’d.

  6. Amen Hambone. Barry is in deep doo doo and nearly everyone knows it now. I’m still waiting for him to go crazy like Nebudcunezzar did for defying God. That smile is the ultimate shit eating. Cheshire Cat who swallowed the canary whole, smug, self assured FU smile if there ever was one. Lord deliver us from this evil man and his whole damned administration!

  7. I think I’ll give BO a pass on the smile. That part doesn’t look sinister to me. However, the rest of this deal smells like a carp that’s been in the sun for 5 days. Something ain’t right about this.

  8. I think Bad Brad could be right. Between Benghazi, the VA Scandal and this release Obama could be finished as a political entity as long as Fox (about the only mass media network left that actually reports news and does investigative reports), Congress and the bloggers keeps up the pressure and keeps demanding answers. If the full truth comes out about this deserter/defector it could turn enough of the public away from the Dems in General that November becomes a route. At least I hope so.

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