The Sorcerer’s Apprentices: FBI, DOJ, GPS, DNC – IOTW Report

The Sorcerer’s Apprentices: FBI, DOJ, GPS, DNC

American Thinker: Disney’s gloriously animated Fantasia of 1940, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice tells the story of a magician’s helper who is tasked with bringing water in buckets, two at a time on a broom handle, from a well into his master’s cauldron.  To ease his workload, he put on the sorcerer’s hat and commanded the broom to continue his job. Then he fell asleep.  When he awoke, the broom had brought so much water into the castle it was flooded.  The apprentice tried to stop the broom by using an axe to splinter it into pieces.   But the broom pieces, lots of them, came alive, got up and continued to bring the water into the castle.

In the original German poem by Goethe on which the segment is based, the apprentice implores the sorcerer to help him with the mess he has engendered.  The German line that translates as “The spirits that I called,” is often used to describe situations that spin out of control because allies have been summoned that cannot be controlled.

The spirits the Democratic Party put into service to defeat and unseat Donald Trump have indeed spun out of control and  exposed the Left’s  nefarious schemes for all to see.  It’s an ugly scenario.  Many people may, and should, go to prison if we still have a functioning legal system.

So shocked by Trump’s win in the 2016 election, the Progressive left and their partners in partisanship, the media, went into paroxysms of despair and disbelief. How could this have happened?  Hillary’s win was in the bag! Now we know that she had the DOJ and the FBI, Fusion GPS, the DNC, all of her broom splinters marching in lockstep to guarantee her victory.   That combination of forces early on were hard at work on their “insurance policy” months before the election.  They were determined that Trump would never get close to the Oval Office.
Working in concert, this bunch of pro-Hillary activists would see to that.  read the rest

18 Comments on The Sorcerer’s Apprentices: FBI, DOJ, GPS, DNC

  1. Tsunami e mailed me two you tube videos about a guy posting on 4Chan nick names Q Anon under a thread called the calm before the storm. A Patriot. You need to dig into this to freaken believe it. I’ve been investigating every free minute today. It’s jaw dropping. I leave it up to Tsunami to post his links. Some are saying Q is Trump. I don’t think so.

  2. >Here’s the email I sent Brad. Some very compelling and interesting speculation going on within these two videos. The basic premise is that there’s stuff going on behind the scenes that’s about to be exposed, and it’s MY guess that there will be one winner in all of it. I hope it’s Trump and America that comes out on top.

    I’ve bookmarked BPEarthwatche’s channel. I also think this is bigger than HE thinks it is.

    I also agree with Brad that “Q” isn’t Trump. I think it’s someone in either the CIA or the NSA who’s working on implementing a NEW CIA or NSA. There’s gonna be a coup, maybe military, maybe civilian…..but it’ll be soon one way or the other.

    Make your own decision.

    > Trust me and take the time to watch both of these videos. Something is about to go down.
    > There will be one clear winner: Trump, or the Deep State.
    > 1.
    > 2.

  3. That is worth watching. There is no way “Q” is Trump, but they are close. After you’ve seen the second one, the next one in line is about Sessions opening a Uranium One inquiry. I like this stuff, I hope like hell it is real!

  4. joe6pak,

    If this is all bull shit it’s still better than ANYTHING that’s ever been on TV. I don’t think it’s bull shit. You’d have to be pretty naive to think clandestine shit doesn’t take place on our government all the time. Probably to a disturbing level. But like the man says, there’s a reason Trump pulled the military over to his side pronto.

  5. Brad, I don’t even turn on the teevee any more, they can’t compete. I sent the links to several friends of mine, I’m looking forward to any response. I’ll get a couple I know. I’ll keep an eye on BPEarthwatch. I wonder how he came up with his name.

  6. joe6pak

    I know there’s a really high security clearance designated “Q”. Here’s a thought, 007. Maybe our Q is actually a woman. The info on the Atlanta airport power outage is just jaw dropping. I wish this person were around during the Vegas shooting.

  7. Yup, you’re right. The power goes out. Only one flight leaves, and it’s a mystery flight. WTF? What the hell happened there? And how does he read the hieroglyphics that make up those messages? I’ve got way more questions than answers. I hope I learn what the hell the story is before I kick the bucket.

  8. chuckie’s husband had a Q clearance…..couldn’t undergo anesthesia for 10 years after leaving the service, without “an observer” present…..i often wondered what would have happened if he started talking in his sleep…..kept those life insurance premiums paid up, fer sher!!!

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