The Sounds of Settled Science – IOTW Report

The Sounds of Settled Science

Small Dead Animals has linked to a ridiculous bit of AGW fraud regarding the vaunted “97% Consensus” study.

The “paper included a bunch of psychology studies, marketing papers, and surveys of the general public as scientific endorsement of anthropogenic climate change.”

click through HERE

At what point will the casual true believers begin to realize that they are mouthing untruths when they go to bat for these charlatans? You know the types, the Facebook friend who doesn’t know a thing but will regurgitate lefty talking points because they believe this makes them appear informed. When will they begin to turn?

10 Comments on The Sounds of Settled Science

  1. People who believe the doctrine of “Climate change” won’t stop believing because it has been elevated to the status of religion. Will YOU be talked out of YOUR religion because someone presents you with facts?

  2. I have one in my family. A brainwashed young lady who is studying to be an environmental attorney. I confront her with the facts, she throws the propaganda at me. No matter how I show her she is out of her mind, she repeats the lies. She will go down with the ship of fools like the Jonestown crowd.

  3. The last cool-aide drinker I tried to engage on Facebook gave me a lecture about being a close minded idiot for having faith in the divine and then defriended me before I could say anything in my defense.

    I am sure he still does not see the irony- but then again he is a walking dead libtard so no surprise there.

  4. The casual observer can’t find her own Hoo-Hoo and you expect them to understand the complexities of AGW?

    Hell, they have no effing clue what Anthropogenic even means! Go ahead, head to a college campus and ask them if they can define “Anthropogenic”…I dare ya…

    You listening Dan Joseph?

  5. The site GREENIE WATCH said it best:

    ….The modern environmental movement arose out of the wreckage of the New Left. They call themselves Green because they’re too yellow to admit they’re really Reds. So Lenin’s birthday was chosen to be the date of Earth Day. Even a moderate politician like Al Gore has been clear as to what is needed. In “Earth in the Balance”, he wrote that saving the planet would require a “wrenching transformation of society”…… worthless midless commies all….

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