The Soviet Union 25 Years On: ‘A Story of Crushing Tyranny and Oceans of Blood’ – IOTW Report

The Soviet Union 25 Years On: ‘A Story of Crushing Tyranny and Oceans of Blood’


December 24, 2016 marks the 25th anniversary of the formal end of the Soviet Union as a political entity on the map of the world. A quarter of a century ago, the curtain was lowered on the 75-year experiment in “building socialism” in the country where it all began following the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, led by Vladimir Lenin in November 1917.

Some historians have estimated that as many as 200 million people worldwide may have died as part of the 20th century dream of creating a collectivist “paradise on earth.” The attempt to establish a comprehensive socialist system in many parts of the world over the last 100 years has been one of the cruelest and most brutal episodes in human history. Making a new “better world” was taken to mean the extermination, liquidation, and mass murder of all those who the socialist revolutionary leaders declared to be “class enemies,” including the families and even the children of “enemies of the people.”


13 Comments on The Soviet Union 25 Years On: ‘A Story of Crushing Tyranny and Oceans of Blood’

  1. At the heart of socialism is atheism and nihilism.
    If the immortality of the soul doesn’t exist, then everything is allowed – there is no crime.
    It becomes, in fact, necessary to kill – to murder – in order to facilitate the grand design of man replacing God – of a “Heaven on Earth” founded in the blood of innocents.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Still waiting after all these years for any Democrat to disavow Communism and the support the Communist Party has for the Democrats.

    David Duke, completely irrelevant in over 20 years, is still the subject of the state media every 4 years when election time comes so the Republican candidate can be smeared.

  3. After all the bloodshed and destruction caused by Socialism and Communism, most educated people should know better than to embrace these failed political theories. How on earth could the Democrats run two candidates who were competing for voters by promising socialist policies, even as Venezuela and Cuba are living examples of the failure of socialism? Wasn’t it strange watching Clinton raise hundreds of millions of dollars from some of America’s richest businessmen and entertainers, while she was promoting the destruction of capitalism? What happened to the Democrat Party in the last fifty years? I doubt that the people running the Democrat Party are going to wise up during the next four or eight years, and that’s a wonderful thing, isn’t it?

  4. The other component in the Soviet Russian experiment was centralized control of everything.
    This does not work. Things run better with a large measure of autonomy… freedom.
    This is also something we have seen demonstrated right here in the past eight years with the Obamboozler’s New Communism of unnecessary, over-reaching, over-bearing, out-of-control, dictatorial “regulation”, insane Bathroom Rules for Radicals, sanitized transcripts for our “protection” graft, massive democRat corruption, Pay-To-Play policies and a continuous stream of preposterous propaganda to justify it all.
    It just doesn’t work!
    Period! (to coin a phrase from Revrum Wright´s “God-Damn America”-hating rat-bastard)

  5. “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
    ― C.S. Lewis

  6. Marco; Couldn’t have happened without the complicity of the press and they’re doing everything possible to thwart Trump. We need to make ALL network liars homeless, and let them see what life is like outside their ivory towers.

  7. a non a moose: Don’t forget all those leftists high school teachers and college professors who have been teaching young students how terrible and racist the USA has been since its inception. They need to be sent to Cuba or Venezuela for reeducation.

  8. My wife is fifty and was born and raised in the Soviet Union. A while back she showed my mom a photo of her and her family when she was about five. My mom thought it was a family picnic as they were all sitting outside and eating. My wife told her it was her whole family working the potato fields so they would have enough to eat. Socialism sucks.

  9. I think that at some point there’s no coming back from socialist brainwashing (or Islamic brainwashing for that matter). It is important that tax dollars NOT be designated for socialist causes and the left be DEFUNDED as such. It’s fine if they use their own money but they will soon run out. The battle has just begun my friends.

  10. It seems like yesterday when they lowered the hammer and sickle and raise the Russia flag over the Kremlin. I rate ithe death of the evil empire as one of the greatest events I witnessed in my lifetime. It lasted exactly 75 years to the day.

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