The Squad vs The Dems – IOTW Report

The Squad vs The Dems

Breitbart: Democrats are struggling to find a balance after a “blue wave” failed to materialize in the U.S. House of Representatives, as the radical left members of the caucus up their demands for far-left proposals — from defunding the police to socialized medicine — that some Democrats believe contributed to their losses.

On election night, the Fox News Decision Desk projected that Democrats would not only retain control of the House but expand their majority “by at least five seats.” The latter did not come to fruition. Rather, Republicans experienced what some described as “shocking” gains in the House.

Prior to the election, Democrats held a 232-197 majority. The GOP is expected to net at least 12 seats, ousting Democrats in several key races. The GOP’s strong performance was unexpected, particularly among Democrats, who remained confident that they would expand their majority in the House. Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) chair Cheri Bustos (D-IL) has since announced that they would conduct a “post mortem” of their strategy as a caucus. read more

12 Comments on The Squad vs The Dems

  1. Would love to see all four of these traitors lined up against a bullet-riddled wall.

    Put it on pay-per-view and use the proceeds to pay down the national debt.

    Have a national lottery for the four lucky riflemen.

  2. I see it not as a struggle on ideology but on messaging. The squad born from the Obama Occupy Wallstreet era don’t want to sugar coat their message, they want it rammed down American’s throats and to openly punish anyone that won’t accept it. The other dems don’t disagree with the policies, they just know talking about socialism and defunding the police is abhorrent to the average voter and they worry this heavy handed approach is going to destroy them. I’ll give it to the democrats, they fight AFTER they (believe) they won, they stay unified for voting.

  3. “It is difficult with these evil folk to know when they are in league, and when they are cheating one another”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Two Towers”

    “A traitor may betray himself and do good he does not intend.”

  4. The squad by themselves are the symptom of the problem, not the direct problem. They have more power than they deserve because of the large number of voters that support them.

    They are the foundation on which the squad stands, and fires their destructive rounds. And that foundation is a threat to the rest of the demowits. And also the threat to the rest of us if that foundation grows.


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