The state of Washington needs a governor – IOTW Report

The state of Washington needs a governor

Aren’t you just sick of the purposely ineffective, friend of antifa and blm, Jay Inslee, the governor of Seattle? What about the rest of Washington?
Washington people- tell us what you know about Phil Fortunato (R).
So far, I like that he’s not Jay Inslee.

25 Comments on The state of Washington needs a governor

  1. Since 2004 any Republican candidates for Statewide office has started a lap back. We have the East side boys (Bellevue bunch) to thank for this. In 2004 while conservatives were funding the fight against the daylight theft of the gubernatorial election and were standing firm behind their golden boy, they were busy figuring out how to hand the Democrats exactly what they wanted. There are a number of good candidates running for the Republican candidacy, Fortunato among them, but it is a long row to hoe because the Republican base no longer can be counted on. They threw up their hands and just don’t bother any longer.

  2. One big problem in Washington, especially this year, is that the way our primary is set up the top two candidates, regardless of party move on to the general election. There must be 15 republican candidates and maybe 25 candidates altogether. Don’t be surprised if it’s Inslee and another lib.

  3. I would vote for my dog before I vote for Inslee. I don’t know anything about Phil Fortunato since I live in Eastern Washington but I will vote for him or any other credible GOP candidate that’s running for Governor. Inslee has to got to go and the sooner the better.

  4. OKAY,

    For those of you who are not familiar with that Bellevue cabal…. think Michael Medved. That is what they consider Constitutional conservatism, and they as ready to throw in with Democrats to dry shave the Republican base as Medved et all. They are deal cutters and opportunists and they also have a sense that this is all a game.

  5. We have the wind at our backs this year if people will only get off their dead butts and go HELP Phil. Writing everything you know about how the Bellevue Republicans operate doesn’t get the job done.

    There are really only two R candidates worth considering, IMHO, Phil is the top and Joshua Freed is good too. I was very impressed with an eastern WA guy, (whose name I now forget), but I have it very good authority that the guy is not good at all.

    I’m campaigning for Phil.

    The other day I wrote here that conservatives have not yet given up on Seattle. Today on Dori Monson’s show, he talked with a Capitol Hill apartment owner about the CHOP/CHAZ devastation to that part of the community and the fellow ended the interview by saying that there’s no way he’s leaving Seattle without a fight. Monson, too is a Seattle son, born and raised, and he’s finding that increasing numbers of Seattleites are finally fed up to the point they are going to fight to claw Seattle and Washington state back from the communist abyss.

  6. …so if you don’t want Washington state to go the way of Oregon and CA, do something! And don’t jump in to demoralize the rest of us who are. That’s what Inslee’s crew is already paid to do.

  7. “…so if you don’t want Washington state to go the way of Oregon and CA”

    I’ve got news for you. At this stage of the game Washington State is making California look conservative.
    That comment wasn’t meant to demoralize but here’s some advise. If the two top vote getter thru the primaries advance no matter party affiliation you all need to get behind the same candidate during the primaries. Something California Conservatives can rarely do. So speak with Illustr8r before she casts her vote.

  8. Culp is the guy whose ads are great, but he isn’t. I’ll be able to say more in about a week. I got a “Big NO!” from someone I would trust to fill out my own ballot on that one.

  9. One of the problems with Republicans is that they eat their own. I can’t decide if they’re more like Preying Mantises, or, Black Widow spiders.

    (Hey, it’s too hot to work in the sun… I’m hungry and I need to eat a Republican sammich…)

  10. BB — That’s actually what I meant by “go the way of …”

    How dumb is it to split the ticket a dozen ways if you wind up with two top commie dirtbags on the ballot? I think there’s an old saw about nine women being pregnant for a month each doesn’t result in a baby…or something like that.

  11. Yeah, you guys need to pick one guy, and stick with him. Seems Fortunato’s polling is higher than the other R’s. Stick with one guy even if you don’t like the cut of his suit. You could always get someone better later on.

    Anyway, I don’t know how the hell Canada is going to ever get a conservative again. yeesh.

  12. illustr8r an Geoff A. don’t be fooled by Culp. Can’t win. He has no info in the Pamphlet.
    Read your voter pamphlet and then call their office and ask pointed questions don’t let them off the hook.
    Go to the source and you will be able to make up you mind on who to vote for.

  13. WA is just screwed. It’s controlled by the I-5 corridor from Bellingham to Olympia. The other 98% of the state is loggers, farmers, ranchers, and a few miners who love this country and it’s President.


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