The States Most Flooded with Foreign Workers – IOTW Report

The States Most Flooded with Foreign Workers

LifeZette: The Washington-based Center for Immigration Studies on Wednesday produced a map showing the location of companies that make heavy use of foreign guest workers.

Clusters in majors cities of swing states like Florida and North Carolina could prove a factor on Election Day Tuesday.


The map uses Department of Labor statistics to show the location of companies that hire large numbers of workers on H-1B visas, which allow businesses to bring in foreigners for at least three years. The practice — spotlighted at companies like Disney using the visas to lay off American workers — has generated major controversy.

One ingredient is missing, though — high-level attention from the candidates.

“The H-1B program has not been much discussed in the election,” said David North, a fellow at the think tank who analyzed the data. “Both candidates in one way or the other have been known to favor the H-1B — [Democrat Hillary] Clinton as a matter of policy and [Republican Donald] Trump by his use of the program.”  MORE

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