The Stinky Fish Challenge – IOTW Report

The Stinky Fish Challenge

A long time lurker sent this to me with a note:

I am sure this guy did this to subtly promote his business, but this is absolutely one of the funniest things I have ever seen in my life.  And I know people who eat this stuff at the holidays.  I have not.

I hope the girl got her bike. She certainly deserved it.

30 Comments on The Stinky Fish Challenge

  1. My Mom used to make “Bongo Bongo soup.” The main ingredient is large clam stomachs. The soup is green. In a family of eight, only my Dad and I liked it. To this day, I can’t find clams or fish that are clamy or fishy for my liking! Bring it, especially CLAMS!! Oh my God, I’m sitting here and my mouth is watering just thinking about it…

    (Thanks for posting, MJA.)

  2. Fun fact: In 1981, a German landlord evicted a tenant without notice after the tenant spread surströmming brine in the apartment building’s stairwell. When the landlord was taken to court, the court ruled that the termination was justified when the landlord’s party demonstrated their case by opening a can inside the courtroom. The court concluded that it “had convinced itself that the disgusting smell of the fish brine far exceeded the degree that fellow-tenants in the building could be expected to tolerate.

    That stuff must be 10x’s worse than ludafest.

  3. When I was a kid my dad was part of The Sons of Noway. He ate a lot of fish products that would gross me on sight, but he drew his line at Lutefisk, thank goodness. But yes this is a family of high ranking humor! Very much enjoyed, thanks.

  4. Only one way to eat lutefisk. Maybe it would work for this. You need
    Ketchup, Ritz Crackers,Caviar and a bottle of Aquavit

    You alternate eating Caviar on a Ritz and then Ketchup on a Ritz
    Take a shot of Aquavit after each.
    When you have had enough Aquavit that you cant tell the difference between Ketchup and Caviar it’s safe to eat the lutefisk

  5. That’s it Jimmy you are not cooking at the next iOTW get together.
    Funny story tho, AA and I were coming through Tillamook and at Bay City she saw sign that she thought said oyster guts, she said who sells oyster guts, it was really oyster cuts for chowder.
    We still laugh over that one, we both love raw oysters, clam guts only no way.

  6. My Fisheries professor in college brought back a jar of fermented gobies from Malaysia one time, and gobies are very small, an inch or so in length, which were fermented and mashed up, and spread on bread or crackers. He offered the class to try it. One wiff of that when he opened the jar, was more than enough for me. OMG! Ol’ Doc Bond was that kind of guy. At least he had a sense of humor.

  7. A friend and I went pheasant hunting one time on a ranch owned by a truly delightful Norwegian family N of Lewistown, MT. They invited us to dinner and served a bunch of Norwegian delicacies – lefse, meatballs, other stuff and Lutefisk. I think the Lutefisk was a test and my friend and I failed it. I tried to be polite but I could NOT stomach that stuff. Judging from their smiles, my response was expected. I’ve had REALLY bad colds when I had nowhere to spit or blow that couldn’t have held a candle to that stuff. I’m about half Scot and can eat almost anything but, even so, Haggis is too much for me. But I think I could eat a whole Haggis before I could swallow one bite of Lutefisk. Maybe that’s why the Vikings were so vicious. They were damned hungry but no one would teach them how to cook food a person could eat.

  8. When I was visiting my Swedish cousins in Sweden we had lutefisk with an Absolut vodka chaser to celebrate our shared birthday. It was nasty and it stays on one’s breath for days. 😷That sweet family must not be descended from Vikings; I didn’t think it was that bad. Just not GOOD. 😂

  9. Very lovely family. Genuine happiness there.
    However, I hope Dad doesn’t give construction quotes. He has difficulty with a can opener. Can’t imagine him handling a sawsall.

  10. And I thought that eating baloots was bad. One of my roommates years ago was half Hawaiian and half Portuguese, one time he had some Portuguese dried cod called baklaeow which stunk like hell but was actually fairly good once you got past the smell.

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