The Story Behind War of the Worlds – IOTW Report

The Story Behind War of the Worlds

In 1938, aliens attacked. Well, that’s at least what Americans heard over the radio. Orson Welles and a group of actors interrupted a radio broadcast to warn the public that the planet had been invaded by aliens – really, they were just reading a script based off the novel, The War of the Worlds, by H.G. Wells. Unlike successful real-life alien hoaxes, this ’38 fake news story spiraled the entire country into mass hysteria… Or did it? WATCH

17 Comments on The Story Behind War of the Worlds

  1. HG Welles had a good imagination. The book is a good read.
    I have a record (real 33 1/3 rpm) of this. It tends to break down on timelines if you listen all the way through, knowing hat we do now, but I could imagine someone jining in on the radio once it was underway. There weren’t 300 cable channels with 24 hour news deeds and internet.

    I still like the 1953 or so movie with Gene Bary. Tom Cruise version was pretty good and even had Gene and his costar do cameos as grandparents.

  2. Too bad the talking heads of network news don’t interrupt their own hoaxes with an announcement that what they are saying is pure fiction. Same goes for SNL.

    There are still people today who believe Palin said she could see Russia from her porch. Few people know the real story of that “Hands up, don’t shoot” guy or George Floyd. They don’t know that RVW was a hoax perpetrated by phonies and liars telling whoppers. They believe American citizens tried to overthrow the gov’t on January 6, 2020. I could continue.

  3. I highly recommend the rock opera, “Jeff Wayne’s Musical Version of The War of the Worlds.” I listened to this over and over when I was a kid. I thought it was the coolest and creepiest sometimes thing I had ever heard before.

  4. ANON

    Saw the movie in ’53, as a kid it was very impressive. Read the book in ’57; love Wells(HG) – a real science genius (like Heinlein); predicted tanks about 12 years before they were real. Local radio station replayed the ’38 broadcast Halloween. Great. Not hard to understand why folk were in panic.

  5. “Orson Welles and a group of actors interrupted a radio broadcast…”

    No they didn’t. It was a regular Mercury Theater Players broadcast. Listen to it. Only the first half is the story. The rest is Orson explaining that this is a radio show.

  6. And…

    In a few short years, Americans would support foreign rulers in Columbia, to support Bolshevism in The Soviet Union, to be sure the light of international communism, would not be extinguished from the world.

    Who’da thunk it?

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