The Strange Marks on Biden’s Hand – IOTW Report

The Strange Marks on Biden’s Hand

Western Journal:

[…] Biden’s health, however, became an issue after the Florida trip — first because of a gaffe in Fort Lauderdale where he confused Ukraine with Iraq and then claimed his son Beau died there. (Beau Biden, who served in Iraq, died in Maryland of brain cancer in 2015.)

And then came the photo The Hill used to promote a story about the president’s remarks in Golden Beach: MORE

23 Comments on The Strange Marks on Biden’s Hand

  1. Look about 1/2 inch long, and inserted into a vein. I have the same pattern of veins and probably everyone does. You can see the location on the back of your own hand.

    Looks like something plugged into his vein. A control device of some sort, maybe? If it’s supposed to keep him from saying dumbass things, it ain’t working.

  2. It’s not unusual for an 80 yo to have papery, easily damaged skin anyway, particularly over bony protuberences. The elderly also tend to heal more slowly and less completely, and as such are more prone to infections.

    I wouldn’t get too worked up over an old man having trouble healing a venipuncture that could have just been a blood draw.

    I’d be more worried about a pedophile illegally installed as president by a power or powers we don’t even know that has, in clear violation of the Constitution at every turn, been used to destroy this country by its enemies and still IS.

    There are MUCH better reasons to 25th him.

    Site ecchymosis isn’t going to be the tipping point.

  3. nco77 NOVEMBER 3, 2022 AT 10:14 AM
    “Could it be the mark of the beast? Just curious”

    …probably, but being the kind of asshole he is, I would expect him to FLAUNT in in pride and vanity right on his forehead, and then mandate it for everyone else…

  4. I’ve put literally hundreds of IVs in patients in over 20 some odd years and that is not a mark from an IV. Nor as far as I can tell is it an infected wound. looks like a mole forcefully (accidentally) removed or a skin tear. But who knows?

  5. Now that the hole in his hand is a “thing”, expect to hear Uncle Joe tell a tall tale about having been nailed to a cross back in the day. Or maybe an encounter with a grizzly bear, leaving a claw puncture scar. Maybe he’ll tell us about the time he was abducted by aliens and the scar is from being pinned to their exam table. At any rate, I’m sure his story will be epic.

  6. Who knows, the lies just keep pouring out. I know enough lies from Washington politicians has convinced me they can’t be trusted and need to be defunded for destroying American 20 or more lies at a time.

  7. Stop2think
    NOVEMBER 3, 2022 AT 10:44 AM

    …I will bow to your experience as it wasn’t my main job and not everyone needed a stick that I saw, but I saw a LOT of geriatric patients in nursing homes and assisted living facilities and many of them had God-awful damage to the backs of their hands from SO many needle sticks, careless/wrong tape jobs, and really callous keepers who weren’t particularly exemplars of their profession, so no damage to an elderly person’s hand really surprises me any more.

  8. They are probably jabbing the deteriorating fuck between his toes at this point, he’s getting his million dollar meds daily now instead of just weekends in his Delaware snake hole. Probably covered with IV wounds.

    All this recent talk(threats) about how many days it will take to count (cheat) the votes and you had better accept the count talk from Adolph Pedo McDepends and his handler Ron KKK has me concerned.

    Guess we will see on Tue or not. They are basically admitting they are going to cheat and daring us to do something about it.


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