The Strongest Case I Can Make To Stop Dropping Nuclear Bombs – IOTW Report

The Strongest Case I Can Make To Stop Dropping Nuclear Bombs

We really frigged Japan up.

But then again, who the hell is responsible for this Celtic Hip-Hop?

38 Comments on The Strongest Case I Can Make To Stop Dropping Nuclear Bombs

  1. When we were stationed in Japan, I remember being told more than once that trends and fads reached there about 10-15 years after they peaked elsewhere.

    Now all they need is a cover version of “I’m turning Japanese”!

  2. Fur

    Drink a 40 of King Cobra malt beverage. Drink it fast. Real Fast.

    Go to Youtube and view Tobacco-Overheater on the
    ElFamosoDemon channel. Watch it at least twice.

    Watch the Babymetal Music Video again.

    The Nipponese just like to put their own twist
    into everything. It is what it is.

  3. We flattened 2 cities 69 yrs. ago, and the war ended immediately. No one anywhere in the world has been nuclearly incinerated since then. Would you rather have killed 1 million Americans in the invasion of Japan, plus another few million Japanese? Frigged up Japan? No friggin way.

  4. The kids in the second video are doing something creative. They could be up to something a lot less desirable. Though I doubt I would care much for whatever original music they had in their heads.

  5. Glock: that vid took 30 years off me—-dug out my slouchy boots and went to walmart and bought some moose. THAT IS SOME SERIOUS METAL $hit! Oh, and DUDE YOU ROCK!

  6. FY BFH…I actually liked it. As others have commented, it is better than rap.

    I don’t speak Japanese, but as a product of the late 70’s, they are probably just as good as the 70’s Boomtown Rats in their culture, although a little outdated.

    As far as the nukes for those who commented on such, I’ve got an uncle buried in the military cemetery in Manila, and the Japs got what was coming to them. They still wanted to fight after we incinerated their cities. We gave them an excuse to keep their nation from starvation.

  7. Hey look at the bright side. The Japanese chicks are really strange, but at least they keep their tongues in their mouths and can belt out an entire set without feigning masturbation.

  8. I’ve seen Babymetal before. I’m not a fan but
    as was said before, it’s better than rap.
    The girls are cute, the singer has a nice
    voice. It’s very niche but kind of cool.
    Oh and I rather liked this song.

  9. The Japanese have really gone off the deep end, haven’t they?

    I guess dropping those nuclear bombs, Godzilla, Ultraboy & Fukushima really did mess them up.

  10. Oh for the love of overpriced sushi and Burberry clothes on diminutive people.

    No, really. I love that crazy nation. I’d live there if I was about 2 feet shorter.

    Oh, and the potata niggas in the second vid are cake walkin’ or “C” walkin’. The “C” stands for Crips. The gangbangers who invented this. You’re supposed to be able to tell which clique is being represented by the particular steps. Mashing them all together like that renders the dance meaningless and kinda’ sloppy.

  11. Srsly? I can’t be the only one to have found that strangely erotic. Bring it on.
    As for Glock 10mm. I gave U plus one just cuz your name. You rock!
    And cuz crazy nights. thanks.

  12. Somewhere in Norway there is a metalhead in corpse paint standing in a forest crying tears of blood. But I really liked it. It certainly banished the notion that I thought I’d heard everything. This may very well be the best metal song ever written about how awesome it is to eat chocolate.

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