The substance which killed Kim Jong Un’s brother – IOTW Report

The substance which killed Kim Jong Un’s brother

DC: Malaysian authorities have identified the substance used to kill Kim Jong-un’s brother, and it is definitely not your average poison.

Kim Jong-nam, the estranged half brother of the young North Korean dictator, was assassinated in Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia last Monday. Two women, who are believed to have intentionally coated their hands with a toxin, rubbed their hands on Kim’s face. He fell ill almost immediately and died en route to the hospital.

Malaysian authorities report that the chemical substance used to kill Kim was VX nerve agent, CNN reports. Samples were taken from Kim’s skin and eyes during the autopsy, and the poison was identified by the Centre for Chemical Weapons Analysis of the Chemistry Department of Malaysia, The New York Times revealed.
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24 Comments on The substance which killed Kim Jong Un’s brother

  1. I heard on one news report that the poison was on a handkerchief that was rubbed on Kim’s face. The assassins ‘alibi’ was that they thought it was a prank. This was on a local news channel in San Diego. I’m sure they picked up some national feed but I’m not sure which one.

  2. There are hand creams called “Invisible gloves” that mechanics use to protect their hands from solvents and other chemicals. They are undetectable and they work quite well. I’d suggest that the assassins used something similar to protect themselves from the nerve agent.

  3. VX is the deadliest of nerve agents out there. 10 milligrams (0.00035 oz) kills you. High viscosity and low volatility, like motor oil. Hangs around for a long time. BTW – “iocane powder” is fictional, came out of the movie “The Princess Bride”. No such animal.

  4. VX is nasty and persistent (kind of like Elizabeth Warren only more likeable) and I can’t see anything they could wear that would protect them from a smidge coming off their hands onto their skin. It will sure be interesting to hear the full story.

  5. Rat Fink, they have captured some of them haven’t they? They probably did have some exposure, but you didn’t see them hit the ground. I’m pretty sure I would want to mess with that stuff.

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