The Supreme Court Did Nothing to Undermine the Fifth Amendment or Effect of the Miranda Warning – IOTW Report

The Supreme Court Did Nothing to Undermine the Fifth Amendment or Effect of the Miranda Warning

Red State: In short, Miranda is exactly what it has always been. Nothing the left writes is going to change that.

The case that drew the most attention was New York State Rifle and Pistol Association vs. Bruen. In this decision, Justice Clarence Thomas proposed the novel theory to understand the Second Amendment; perhaps we should begin by reading it. Maybe we should even look up big words that puzzle us, like “bear.” And then the courts should treat this Constitutional right according to the text. Read more on that decision at Supreme Court Rules You Can’t ‘Bear’ Arms Unless You Can Carry Them for Self-Defense.

A second decision that pushed the left to the edge of whatever sanity it still has was Vega vs. Tekoh. The case originated in California, the decision was 6-3, and Justice Alito wrote the decision. It created a cornucopia of over-the-top responses as pundit after pundit declared that the Miranda warnings, so beloved of crime-procedural television dramas, had been treated like a baby in a New York Planned Parenthood clinic. more

11 Comments on The Supreme Court Did Nothing to Undermine the Fifth Amendment or Effect of the Miranda Warning

  1. Cleaning up a lot of judicial messes created by activist judges. We have the man who got the most LEGITIMATE votes for President of the United States EVER to thank for this DESPITE the questionable honor of some of his SCOTUS appointments.

    The one that will come down today will be tantamount to the overturning of the Dred Scott travesty foisted on the United States by the Democrats.

  2. Let the wailing, gnashing of teeth and rending of the Satanist’s garments commence. I suspect they will react much as they did at the overturning of Dred Scott.

  3. Yo would have to have lived under a rock for the last 50 years to not know “you have the right to remain silent.” As kids we had miranda memorized after watching hundreds of hours of cop shows.

  4. Before Miranda, only career criminals would identify themselves by saying, “I know my rights, I don’t have to tell you anything.” The only unconstitutional part of Miranda is that after a suspect says he wants a lawyer, the cops could no longer continue to ask the suspect questions unto the lawyer arrives.

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