The Swarm of Ants In the Sugar Bowl – IOTW Report

The Swarm of Ants In the Sugar Bowl

America Out Loud: If you see an ant in a sugar bowl, you know your larder has been penetrated. Ants don’t speak, they’re just there and are easily removed; not so for politicians. As I’ve said often, the basic operating theory of Democrats is to deny everything, admit nothing and blame the other guy. Secretary of State Raffensperger, like an ant in the sugar bowl, has denied speaking to President Trump before the leaked phone call, never said he “believed it was appropriate” to do so and is blaming President Trump and his staff for continuing to push for the phone call. 

We took the call and we had a conversation,” Raffensperger explained. “He did most of the talking. We did most of the listening, (so did many of us) but I did want to make my points the data he has is just plain wrong. He had hundreds and hundreds of people he said that were dead that voted. We found two, that’s an example. He has bad data.” 

Mainstream media accounts of this Presidential communication are not to be trusted like the Washington Post’s take on it. Radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt framed the argument correctly. On the certification debate he said: “Following both the 2004 and 2016 elections, Democrats in Congress objected during the certification of electoral votes in order to raise concerns about election integrity.” Of course, integrity is everything except for Marxist Democrats.

Hewitt continued: “They were praised by Democratic leadership and the media when they did.” While they were entitled to do so⏤those of us conservatives concerned about the integrity of this election are entitled to do exactly the same. Senator Josh Hawley announced that he would object to the electoral college count saying his concerns were animated by exactly the same concerns that vexed Democrats in both 2004 and 2016, elections they lost. Constitutionally, his right to object is as grounded in law as the Democrats were back when they did it. 

But the issue now is who can Conservatives trust to fill Georgia’s three most important elected state offices, Governor, State Attorney General, and Secretary of State, and trust them to fulfill their obligations? more

13 Comments on The Swarm of Ants In the Sugar Bowl

  1. The problem is greed.
    The richest people on Earth feel they aren’t rich enough so they use some of their money to buy politicians.
    The politicians may have had good intentions at the start of their careers but the money is too attractive, so they are bought out.

  2. Mr. Anth Ropy
    It’s more than that. They’re so rich that more money isn’t going to matter. They can buy all the super yachts they want. The only way to put more distance between them and us is to make us poorer.

  3. Sorry kids, they’re nihilists.
    They can’t accept that God exists, and that they aren’t God.
    They want power. Through whatever means – money, lies, pestilence, war, famine (natural or man-made), terror, propaganda, or rigged “elections.”

    They cannot be reasoned with. They cannot be bought. They cannot come to any compromise. They cannot be trusted. The only currency they respect is pain – “… but pain is perfect misery, the worst of evils, and excessive, overturns all patience.”

    They must be paid in their own coin.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Another point they conveniently kept hidden….part of the “Consent Decree” was Stacy Abrams OBJECTION to using Dominion voting systems.

    Funny thing…Kemp/Rasputin’s insistence “since they were already purchased” worked out well to her favor too!

  5. Power. That’s the real goal.
    The Dirty Dems are like the bully in school. Punch someone in front of everyone then dare them to stop him. No one usually does.
    They have too much power already.
    They have too much dirt on people. They’ve bought too many people willing to sell their souls.

  6. “But the issue now is who can Conservatives trust to fill Georgia’s three most important elected state offices, Governor, State Attorney General, and Secretary of State, and trust them to fulfill their obligations?”

    No, the issue is that—as “The truth shall be erased.” pointed out, the machines have already been purchased. Likely nationwide now, and same with the operators. Shotgun mail-in voting is also permanent. Who’s going to vote it out? How?

    I have never wasted a moment thinking about who I can trust to replace Riff Raff and Klemp. Might as well be milking a spider or re-shingling a snake.

  7. AK, good for Kootenai County which is Coeur d’Alene, Idaho which is my neighboring county in N Idaho. I honestly believe that Idaho, Eastern Washington, Eastern Oregon and Montana, Wyoming etc. may be one of the last bastions of freedom in America. And I’m not discounting the South (especially Texas) or most of the Midwest and Central plains states either. I do most of my deliveries in the CDA area as well as Spokane area anymore. We still have lots of cowboys, Native American tribes and other freedom loving Americans in these parts of the country who are not willing to give in to a tyrannical govt. run by a bunch of hoity toity East Coast and left coast elitist snobs who hate our guts and our independent spirits. And we have lots of guns and not just for hunting and we know how to use them.

  8. We moved to this part of country in the first place well over a hundred or more years ago to get away from the snobs on the East coast. The frontier/pioneer spirit is still alive and well out hers in the West. I am also not forgetting most of California outside of LA and San Francisco.


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