The Ted Kennedy Chappaquiddick Award – IOTW Report

The Ted Kennedy Chappaquiddick Award


Celebrating Chutzpah & Hypocrisy.

Independent Sentinel:

Within an hour of President Ronald Reagan nominating  Judge Robert Bork in July of 1987, Senator Ted Kennedy, he of deadly Chappaquiddick infamy, made a nationally televised speech dishonestly ranting:

“Robert Bork’s America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens’ doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists could be censored….and the doors of the Federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens.”

Given a number of Democrats, suffering with nasty, personal tacky issues, have followed, and maybe even doubled down on Teddy’s vile partisan playbook, it seems only right we honor their tribute to “The Swimmer” by nominating several for “The Ted Kennedy Chappaquiddick Award: Celebrating Chutzpah and Hypocrisy”. 

Here’s the rouges gallery of nominees and a thumbnail review of each:


SNIP: Please, feel free to list your nominees in the comments.

19 Comments on The Ted Kennedy Chappaquiddick Award

  1. I nominate establishment Republican boob jumper Bob Packwood

    I have a long memory and w/o the establishment Republicans colluding behind the scenes Bork would have been confirmed and this whole process of turning SCOTUS confirmation into a zoo whenever a Republican is in office would have been nipped in the bud.

  2. I nominate Chuck Schumer. Chuck Schumer wants to investigate a man who does not have close associations with pervert sex offenders. Chuck Schumer was Anthony Weiner’s protege and mentor.

  3. Hey JD! Back in 1986, I, along with some other folks, were fishing on a small stream on the Oregon coast, and Old Bob showed up to watch. I recognized him, and told him I voted for him. He said thanks. What I didn’t realize at the time, was that one of his girlfriends was with him. Didn’t know about Bob’s reputation at the time. Too funny.

  4. I nominate Kirsten. And vote for her!

    You left out the leftist leader of the traitors against bork; “Snarlin Arlen”! Without this progressive’s leadership the others would have likely not voted against Bork!

    How could you forget liberal Snarlin Arlen?

  5. I nominate all members of Congress for a blanket Swimmer Award. If anyone objects, then he or she may exempt themselves from the award by submitting to an extensive background check undertaken by investigators of the opposing party, and which will examine any and all actions, claims and allegations stemming from intermediate school forward.

    No youthful indiscretion will be ignored. All witnesses will be believed, and no corroborating evidence will be required. Unsubstantiated rumor will be accepted as concrete evidence. Any mitigating circumstances, such as exemplary lifestyles for the past couple of decades, will not be a factor. Teenage pregnancies, beer bashes, any use of illegal drugs or underage drinking, clumsy attempts at sex, alcohol related arrests of any kind or nature, use of racial slurs even if in the context of a joke, any lies (white or otherwise), cheating on your spouse, etc. will result in the Swimmer Award being a permanent part of that Congress member’s record.

    Oh, and being awarded a Swimmer Award is ground for immediate expulsion from public office. There will be no official due process, and only the court of public opinion will matter. Let those silly bastards live up to their own impossible standards; after all is said and done, the number of folks serving in Congress should be less than 10.

  6. What is with you people? Spartacus a.k.a Corey Booker. Self-admitted molester who went show boating last time. The moment he opens his mouth, Orin Hatch should ask him to resign from the Senate on Thursday.

  7. Dianne Feinstein has enough skeletons in her closet to disqualify her for ANY political office. She makes Hillary look like a school girl from Holding Arms. I think all these Senators lives should be exposed, the American people would unelect them.

  8. an ol exJarhead

    I was adamant that Arlon Sphincter was a liability back in the 1980’s. I’m not clairvoyant or anything, it is just bad policy to bring known traitors into camp.

    That son of a bitch dry shaved conservatives every time the chips were down and IMHO that is exactly why the Republican establishment insisted on keeping him around.

  9. I nominate the detestable Harry Reid, a man who enriched himself while heading the Nevada Gaming Commission, and went on to gnaw on the bones of not only Nevadans, but everyone in the country.

    He was unapologetic about lying about Romney not paying his taxes, replying ‘hey we won didn’t we?’

    A man who complained about smelling tourists in the nation’s Capitol.

    A man who lived like royalty in one of Washington’s toniest hotels.

    There are other things I am forgetting about this supposed former boxer. I think his nickname was the canvasback kid.

    Who knew that Searchlight could produce such a dim bulb?

  10. John Edwards – Ambulance chaser extraordinaire. As the Democrat candidate for VP, cheated on his with with one Rielle Hunter, who bore his child. Edwards took $900,000 of his campaign funds to try to hide the long-lasting adulterous affair (he was indicted and tried, but beat one charge and a mistrial was declared for another). To top it off, at the same time all this was happening Edwards’ wife Elizabeth was fighting a recurrence of breast cancer and she died in 2010.

  11. I think there should be a
    Tedward HOMICIDE Kennedy award
    given each year to the most self-absorbed congressional idiot

    I therefor nominate
    Schmuck Chomper as the most self-absorbed political pig
    In all of history.

    He should be thought as the
    of political phonies and jerks


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