The Three Cs Preventing Total State Control – IOTW Report

The Three Cs Preventing Total State Control

American Thinker:
By J.B. Shurk

If you were a time-traveling supervillain intent on world domination, how might you change the past in order to seize total control of the present?  I’d get rid of the personal automobile, unsupervised cash transactions, and uncontrolled mass communication.  If you take away freedom of movement, freedom of commerce, and freedom of speech, then you can keep people isolated, dependent on government welfare, and ignorant of any ideas that might threaten the power of the State.  Cars, cash, and communication are tools for promoting and protecting freedom, so if your goal is total State control over the individual, the three big Cs must go.

Is it a coincidence, then, that Western governments today seem committed to following that very playbook?  They can’t go back in time and un-invent the automobile, but they can make cars so prohibitively expensive through endless regulation that only the wealthiest among us eventually own them.  They can’t surveil every market transaction, but they can make it increasingly difficult to exchange goods or services without using traceable electronic platforms.  They can’t completely shut down email, social media, or the Internet without shutting down power grids, but they can partner with ideologically-aligned tech monopolists to censor information and viewpoints, limit anonymity, and track users.  Who needs time travel when it is possible to transform freedom-enhancing technologies into systems of State control? read more h/t NAAC

16 Comments on The Three Cs Preventing Total State Control

  1. “If you take away freedom of movement,”

    I’ve been saying since day one that that’s what COVID was all about. Control where you can move. Their ability to isolate you.

  2. In every country conquered by both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union (as well as communist China and Cuba) the nomenklatura rode in automobiles and the humans bicycled or walked.
    Speech was rigidly suppressed.
    And they (humans) didn’t have any money to spend.

    So, yeah, looks like a plan.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Different Tim mentions Whitmer’s face, there’s a picture on the tease and the article mentions supervillains. I’d just like to say, if I was casting a female villain or supervillain, her face fills the bill perfectly.

  4. RadioMattM MARCH 28, 2022 AT 2:45 PM
    “If they control monetary transactions done with official currency, watch an underground currency pop up overnight.”

    …the word “salary” comes from “salarium”, the Latin word for “Salt”.

    This is because salt was quite valuable in the Ancient Roman Empire, so much so that soldiers were sometimes paid with it.

    …anything can be a currency if two or more people agree to barter it.

  5. I like the 3 boxes;
    soapbox – gone because of special snowflake hate speech laws & factholes banning it

    ballotbox – obviously stolen last time

    cartridge box – trying to get banned by demtards since ’34!

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