The time for Tea Lights and Hashtags is over – IOTW Report

The time for Tea Lights and Hashtags is over


Patriot Retort:

Another terrorist attack in London. More bodies broken and dead.

And the Hashtag Rapid Response Team is on the case.

Because apparently in the West today, a syrupy hashtag delivered with pinpoint accuracy is the best defense against Islamist terror.

I mean, it’s worked so well thus far, hasn’t it?

The Westminster attack was March 22. And Manchester was two months later.

Now, not even two weeks after Manchester more blood is in the streets – more families devastated.

At some point, action becomes necessary.

You don’t go into battle armed with tea lights and hashtags.

Not when your enemy is using vehicles, knives, and bombs.

The truth is, in a situation like this, anger is your best armor.

Get angry. Stay angry.



17 Comments on The time for Tea Lights and Hashtags is over

  1. Note that the Teddy Bear and Treacle herds never get neheaded, stabbed or mowed down as they lament. The muslims love drinking their tears too much to hit them there.

  2. On the other hand, a memorial service for a slain gang member in America is probably the last place you want to be. ISIS will eventually emulate our gangsters and start hitting the Piles of Sad.

  3. Every Brit should carry a gun and carry a knife … if you see something, do something. Don’t just stand there and let your civilization go down the drain, one dead body at a time, one day at a time.

    FIGHT BACK — BE PROUD OF YOUR HERITAGE! It is more glorious and more honorable than the Muslim heritage. Was the deaths of World War I and World War II all for nothing ?

  4. Why don’t they start by giving the subjects of England their guns BACK!

    At least both sides will have firearms. Right now only the Islamic filth has access to arms.

    Of course, if a group of pissed-off Englander’s were to somehow gain some testosterone and decided to rent a van and run down some innocent ‘moderate’ musloids in a musloid no-go zone that would be considered a hate crime.

  5. Its time for spokes persons to start talking in these terms:

    Only a tiny minority of card carrying Nazis ever actually killed Jews. The vast majority were mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives- loving people who just carried about nurturing their families. The Death camps were run by the SS- an extremest minority who had nothing to do with Nazism as practiced by the vast majority.

    And then when the host goes apoplectic the spokes person says “yes, it really is that stupid to say this has nothing to do with Islam.” Set the table with the truth and any would be apologist for Islam will look like an F’n retard or a calculating evil bastard.

    Then press the issue: Islam is an ideology and the only proven way to stop the ideology is to DRESDEN the ideology. (Dresden being used as a verb not a noun). If the host is left sputtering as to what that means tell the host “you are too stupid to do the job you have been hired to do”. The jihadist are not taking any prisoners- its time we start acting in kind on the idea front.

  6. If you can’t carry a gun, get a water pistol or container with pig’s blood or bacon grease.

    Don’t be shy about slinging it around when the time comes.

    “Piggy Akbar!!!”

  7. Unfortunately there is a huge difference between crazy savages willing to die a grisly death for their religious beliefs and a bunch of pasty neutered socialists who are afraid even to mutter words that are not politically correct. Great Britain is toast. Let’s hope we’re not.

  8. @Pelopidas

    “Set the table with the truth….”

    You’re thinking in a very strategic manner;hope PDJT will somehow be able to read this.

    BTW, I had a great-uncle Pelopidas who was a ‘light’ (Macedonian) Greek. Are you Greek, too?

  9. Given the chance and an SUV, those savages would put it 4 wheel drive and mash the pedal to the metal to run through a crowd like that! The biggest advantage these cave-men have had is weak, dumb-ass Liberals thinking like weak, dumb-ass liberals! They bank on it, they count on it and they cash in on it… big time!

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