The time the FBI thought Whitey Bulger was a 94-year-old Black man… – IOTW Report

The time the FBI thought Whitey Bulger was a 94-year-old Black man…

And more never-before-reported G-man boondoggles!

Howie Carr:

This is a story about Whitey Bulger and the FBI that you’ve never heard, and it would be even more humorous if it didn’t illustrate yet again how cosmically, comically incompetent the G-men are.

In December 2004 the feds believed they had finally tracked down the mob kingpin who’d had six of the Boston office’s “special agents” on his payroll while he was on his multi-state serial killing-cocaine dealing-bank robbing-extortion spree.

A decade after being tipped off to his impending arrest by one of his hired FBI hands, their quarry was now holed up in Natchez, Mississippi. Or so the credulous feds believed.

The intrepid sleuths even had Whitey’s address and “agents conducted a discreet surveillance of the residence.”

The FBI thought they had Whitey … finally!

They had that big stakeout going on, just like they were about to pinch John Dillinger … or Roger Stone. They were doing sneaky stuff just like Efrem Zimbalist Jr., peering at his hideout through their government-issue binoculars, probably from a surveillance van with untraceable plates.

They were getting ready to put on their blue ski parkas with “FBI” stenciled in big letters across the back. They were ready for their close-ups.

Whitey’s new alias? “Erin Williams.”

Alas, when the feds rushed the house, they made a discovery.

10 Comments on The time the FBI thought Whitey Bulger was a 94-year-old Black man…

  1. When
    Clinton fired Sessions FBI no more a goo LE agency; protecting Americans. It became corrupt. Bulgre is the most notorious of the “bad guys” it helped.
    But when GWB promoted Mueller it became an agency for the “elite” suppressing and harassing Americans. Still corrupt.

  2. The Fumbling Bunch of Idjitts were dragging their wingtips looking for Whitey Bulger in Mississippi, hiding under an assumed color. No wonder they couldn’t find any of them Russkis colluding with Donald Trump and Roger Stone.

  3. I wonder who put the hit on him? He wasn’t in that last prison he had been transferred to with hardly time to sneeze and was beaten to death.

    Hope it fucking hurt real bad. Total fookin’ scum.

  4. A coincidence that hasn’t been explained. Bulger, at a very advanced age and confined to a wheelchair, was transferred from one prison to another for no apparent reason where he was left unattended just long enough for an inmate to penetrate his skull with a hard object causing his death.

    This at just about the time the democrat party had made the conclusion that Joe Biden, a long time fixture in the north east power structure, was to be anointed their presidential candidate. Bulger’s brother was president of Massachusetts senate for eighteen years coinciding with Whitey’s prominence and overlapping Biden’s as well.

    There was some talk that prisoner Bulger, seeing his natural end coming, was making noise about coming clean prior to meeting his demise. The north east power structure, Biden and the democrat party conveniently benefitted from Bulger’s early meeting with his maker.


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