The Timing of This COVID Study Is Pretty Interesting, Huh? – IOTW Report

The Timing of This COVID Study Is Pretty Interesting, Huh?

TownHall: So, now that Joe Biden is leading in the election, COVID is over. I mean, I’m, seeing people dancing in the streets right now. And indoor concerts may be made safe from COVID spread.

Yes, that’s what dropped…right now. As Donald Trump Jr. and others noted, the “timing” is remarkable, right? Granted, this study has not been peer-reviewed, but it’s going to be fun watching all these COVID reversals now that a Democrat could occupy the White House. And IF Biden does win, the gaslighting on this will be epic (via The Hill): MORE

16 Comments on The Timing of This COVID Study Is Pretty Interesting, Huh?

  1. If CorruptJoe steals the election, this will be his “…when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal…” moment. Hell, he might just steal that line too.

  2. …I smell a Nobel Prize for this for Joe in his first (and probably last) day in office.

    Or shit.

    …could be either, they smell pretty much the same at this point…

  3. …IDK, I don’t think they’re going to let go of COVID either way. It’s such a GREAT tool for repressing restive populations, requires NO Stasi agents since the “threat” is invisible, and we’ve ALREADY accepted that the severe to draconian restrictions do NOT apply to brown shirts and large gatherings of Demomcrat leaders, but DO apply to Christans and require churches EVERYWHERE shut down, so Harris or no, they WILL keep COVID as its just another ‘Laws for thee, not for me’ arrow in their quiver anyway, and why not…

  4. “So, now that Joe Biden is leading in the election, COVID is over.”

    You couldn’t tell it from where I stand, new restrictions were instituted here on Friday.

    Other places too, from what I hear.

  5. But MSM is talking about how Joe’s first acts via executive order will include working on getting his mask mandate across the country. You can go live your life but you must were the dirty cloth over your face.

  6. Of course concerts are safe. They are primarily big money events.

    For the same reason that Wal-Mart and Target and Costco, etc. is just dandy but the little shop on the corner that needs their 40 customers per day to stay afloat is a super spreader non-essential business.

    Still trying to determine if essential reeducation camps will be plagued with the coof. Mandatory on one hand, but the list is made up with deplorables on the other… Decisions need to be made, KKKommieallah Harris!

  7. Indoor concerts? Well, of course. We’ll need circuses to go with Pelosi’s soon to be coming stimulus bread, which heretofore has only been available by looting, at least according to AOC. Build Back Butter, as they say.


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