PJM: Back in August I compiled 35 Obama gaffes to make Joe Biden feel better about himself. Well, Biden’s still been producing memorable gaffes, so it seems like a good time to compile the best (or perhaps worst) of them from the campaign trail. I should note, however, that there are multiple examples of Biden not knowing which state he is in. So, in order to keep this list relatively short, all instances of his mistaking where he is are not included. read more

Still missing some big ones, he also had his bizarre Corn Pop pool confrontation where he claims to have called a gang thug Esther Williams. Probably more importantly the fact he can’t keep straight wether or not he was aware of Hunter’s dealings and can’t answer to that damning tape of bragging about getting a prosecutor fired – call Barack. The list could go on forever with this guy.
Only 22?
these are not gaffes
these are qualifications for being a democrat professional politician
Biden’s toast. Buttplug is gaining with women. It’s well known gays sleep around. I want to see a list of Buttplugs hook ups. Is he multi-cultural or a racist?
“We believe truth over facts” is my favorite because it is two treats in one!
It is both a campaign slogan bumper sticker, and the Biden family’s line of defense when they get arrested for dirty dealings.
p.s. It all depends on the meaning of truth
Come on man.
Slingblade with a Poop Knife!
Confused Dr. Kim, Eye surgeon, with Dr. Kim, Orthopedic surgeon. Apologized to liberal neighbor, told him I was having a Biden moment. Really set him off.
How could they get it down to only 22?
Biden only showed up on the horizon when “Ukraine” became a “thing,” I believe.
He hasn’t raised much money, his behavior is almost – almost! – intentionally senile, and I’d wager he was “put in” just to drop out.
I’s sure there were 22 more gaffe contenders worthy of being in the winner’s circle.