The Trade In “Asylum Seekers”  – IOTW Report

The Trade In “Asylum Seekers” 


Earlier this week, eight House Republicans joined with Democrats to derail Marjorie Taylor Greene’s efforts to impeach Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. That may seem bizarre to you. Mayorkas has blatantly ignored U.S. law, is aiding and abetting an invasion of this country, and is endangering all of our lives even as the terror threat worldwide skyrockets. This should have been a slam dunk right?

Wrong. Here’s the problem. You may want immigration under control, but a lot of very powerful people in this country do not. They are getting rich off an endless supply of cheap, compliant labor.

Recently, New York City opened a new shelter at Floyd Bennett’s Field in Brooklyn for illegal immigrants. When the City began to move illegals to the new location, however, it ran into a problem. The illegals wouldn’t stay there. Their chief complaint?

It was too far to commute to work. more here

7 Comments on The Trade In “Asylum Seekers” 

  1. The Republican Party is completley corrupted, and is as corrupt as the democrat party, only not as crazy. If the GOP wasn’t corrupt, it wouldh’t put a “Kamala Harris”-grade useful moron named Ronna Romney as head of the party.

  2. The article shows just how easy and simple the solution is: just enforce laws prohibiting companies from employing these folks, and they go home. But it will take a Trump card to make that happen.

  3. if “There are an estimated 8.8 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. labor force.” and each has an average family of (low estimate) three, that would work out to at least 35 million illegal immigrants, which number is probably well over 50 million.
    Think on that and think on your tax dollars supporting them and think on the money they send out of the country to their relatives abroad and finally, think about what you paid at the grocery store last week.
    Anybody heating up the tar for Mayorkas; I’ve got the feathers.

  4. “Think on that and think on your tax dollars supporting them and think on the money they send out of the country to their relatives abroad ”

    And that my friend is why DJT said Mexico would pay for the wall. On a balance sheet it is so. But try and explain that to your average college educated Libtard. I tried a few times. I stopped.

  5. From the article: “Since January 2021, at least 2.4 million illegals have entered the United States.”

    Whose estimate is that? The number is closer to between 5 and 7 million. The 5 million number was from the LA Times over a year ago, and the 7 million number was from Tucker. Once “family reunification” and anchor babies kicks in, the final tally for Biden will be more like 25-30 million.

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