The Treachery of VP Mike Pence Explained – IOTW Report

The Treachery of VP Mike Pence Explained

Emerald Robinson: Finally, President Donald Trump chose to lob a verbal grenade in the general direction of his old VP Mike Pence last Sunday night — regarding Pence’s ability to formally contest the results of the stolen 2020 election. This was, for many Trump supporters, long overdue. Here is Trump’s statement on the matter: more

22 Comments on The Treachery of VP Mike Pence Explained

    I don’t want to hear this Desantis shit come 2024. All these supposedly “great” politicians turn to shit. Keep him in Florida so that state doesn’t turn to shit.
    We went through the same crap about Ted Cruz in 2016 and look how he turned out. Another Political WEASEL. And @Mr_Pinko called it BACK THEN.
    Trump has been tried and proven.
    Elect Trump2024 or BUST!

  2. But when will the 2020 Election fraud be corrected and the state players be arrested? States such as Arizona have had evidence since last May, their is video in Georgia people pulling boxes of votes out from under the table and mules going to multiple ballot drop boxes to drop in votes, Wisconsin has evidence that their election commission had nursing homes patients’ ballots filled out fraudulently and the state had over 100,000 people over the age of 100 years old vote, Michigan Antrium County showed that Dominion voting machines were programmed to change votes to the candidates the programmer wanted not who the actual vote was for, Nevada had voters whose addresses were the same casino or empty lots, and so on. There has been a lot of hot air expelled about getting to the bottom of it but nothing has been done. Like politicians they are talking a good talk with the goal of running out the clock, i.e. federal law requires votes et al to be kept for two years well the 2022 election will be two years if nothing is done by then the crooks can clear the voter logs and do it again. That is what all the parasite politicians in Az. Ga. Wisc. et al want to run the clock out and then blame some straw man for not getting things done, while “protecting” their political career. Knowing that if nothing is done by the time the clock runs out they can manipulate future elections just like 2020. All politicians are sh*t stains on a rest stop toilet IMO parasites never doing what the voters who voted for them want them to do.

  3. In Pence’s defense, he knew full well what he was up against if he invalidated that bogus electoral college vote. The deep state would’ve ass-raped him with a barbed rhino dick sized dildo. He’d be shit on more than Trump by the psychotic DoJ and news media.

  4. There is no defense for sedition. Pence had the oppo to allow the states in question to review the grounds for certification. Would anything have changed? I hate to say it but the media, already at 11, would have turned up the bullshit to 20. At least we might have made a fight of it right away.

    The utter lack of almost every R in Congress to step up and demand to know why were these counting stations in the 6 swing states all closed(for the 1st time in our history) at the same time, is sickening. That should have started happening on Nov 4.

    And now like Anon says, they’re all just marking time hoping that the memory hole swallows all the evidence.

  5. I’m all for Trump in 2024 if he learned from his goddamn mistakes.
    His hiring & firing performance sucked.

    I get that many good candidates for positions were too chicken-shit and couldn’t take the heat.
    He better have learned that not every battle is worth having.
    Have minions go after the small fish & fights.

    As for DeSantis being like Pence or Cruz?
    Let me just say that is TOTAL BULLSHIT and if you aren’t aware of that you need to inform yourself better.

    DeSantis is what Trump could have been and could still be.
    Trump likes to brawl.
    DeSantis picks his battles and knows how to get shit done.

    Personally I don’t think DeSantis wants the bullshit job of being president following asshole biden*.
    He likely wants Trump to fill that void and deal with the shitshow in DC.

  6. Go back to the leaked Billy Bush scandal. That was the gang headed by Paul Ryan attempting to remove Trump from the ticket and put Pence on as POTUS. Remember how quiet Pence was at first. Yeah, they were waiting to see if their trick would work, if voters would demand Trump’s removal. If Trump makes another go at it he better have learned to figure out who he can trust and ditch Kushner.

  7. I for one knew Pence was a horrible choice when he was chosen. What still boggles the mind is why Trump chose him to lead the task force, his treachery was already known before then for anyone paying attention.

    The honest truth though is voting is never going to fix anything, no elected leader is going to save us it will be up to us to save us and it’s not going to be pretty doing it.

  8. Loco:

    “I’m all for Trump in 2024 if he learned from his goddamn mistakes. His hiring & firing performance sucked.”

    Even if he learned, it’s now harder than ever to get anyone decent to enter government and work for/with him.

    Who wants to go to work in D.C. for the Federal Government on Trump’s team?

    Anyone here? (I’ll wait…)

  9. Marooned, yes he did and all of those Ukraine call bullshit came from Pence’s people.

    Trump sucked at choosing anyone worth a shit, that is why we’re where we’re at. That is also why I hope Trump doesn’t run again assuming we have any resemblance of a country left by then.

  10. Odin, I noticed that he believed in that crap too but you have to remember that he was an abused person for years. Doesn’t make me believe that he was lying about the other stuff.

  11. Trump continues to make bad choices by endorsing RINO’s…..Brad?…..Uncle Al ?…..that’s what I thought, silence.
    Looks like some of you are catching on, Trump is losing his base, especially due to him taking a never ending victory lap for “Warp Speed.” The house of cards is falling for the whole “Plandemic” hoax, Johns Hopkins and Reuters are covering their asses now. Trump will be saddled with the responsibility of the adverse affects from it, and both sides, well there really aren’t 2 sides in congress, with the exception of a few, will use it to finish him off. And if all that weren’t true, the election will be stolen again.

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