The Trump Administration Will Expand DNA Collection Of Migrants – IOTW Report

The Trump Administration Will Expand DNA Collection Of Migrants

Daily Caller:

The Trump administration is moving forward with its plan to dramatically expand DNA testing of illegal migrants at the southern border, a move intended to help control the immigration crisis.

Border Patrol agents will soon have the ability to collect DNA samples of migrants apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border, according to a Department of Homeland Security (DHS)  announcement Wednesday. DHS had already implemented a pilot program that tested family relations; however, the new, broad program will be able to identify migrants.

The announcement confirms a Justice Department draft regulation BuzzFeed News obtained in August.

DNA testing is intended to prevent fraudulent claims by migrants who attempt to claim to be part of a family unit when they arrive at the southern border. Authorities cannot detain migrant families for longer than 20 days because of U.S. immigration laws, resulting in migrants’ release before their asylum claims can be adjudicated. This practice, which is typically referred to as “catch and release,” has prompted many migrants to bring unrelated children and infants along with them on the dangerous journey to the border. read more

9 Comments on The Trump Administration Will Expand DNA Collection Of Migrants

  1. Expand program to DNA test democrats. Would be interesting to see if any of them are not connected to Calcuttafornia, Russia, Illinois, China, North Korea, Massachusetts, Cuba, Venezuela, or South Africa.

  2. Why detain alien invaders at all? Either shoot them at the line or put them on a bus (or catapult) back to the other side…….. pretty fucking easy!
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  3. Now cross-reference the DNA with the Mexican DNA data base, and then you’ll know exactly who you got.

    And why would brown people try so hard to get into a known racist country anyway?

  4. This is unfair since normal American Citizens have to pay a service like fee like anecstory dot com to get their DNA in the “oops data breach” national files. Immigrants are getting this 4th amendment breach for free!


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