The Trump of Their Nightmares – IOTW Report

The Trump of Their Nightmares

Patriot Retort – The ResistanceLOL in the American news media painted a terrifying picture of Trump, didn’t they? He was the Monster Trump, the Trump of their nightmares — an evil authoritarian Nazi who would end America as we know it.

The Trump of their nightmares targeted his political opponents with retribution.

The Trump of their nightmares weaponized the Justice Department to go after his enemies. He made it a “Dangerous Time to Tell the Truth in America.”

The Trump of their nightmares wanted to control people’s bodies and turn America into a dystopian world like A Handmaid’s Tale.

I wrote back in 2018 “The media-created Trump doesn’t exist.” He was a figment of their fevered imaginations – a made-for-TV Monster who bore no resemblance to the real Donald Trump.

But the authoritarian monster the media screeched about for four years finally does exist.

The Trump of their nightmares emerged fully formed, if slightly senile when Joseph Robinette Biden was sworn in as President. All the scary things they claimed Monster Trump’s Administration would do are being done by the Biden Administration. more here

9 Comments on The Trump of Their Nightmares

  1. True tyranny in biden’s* America:
    In San Francisco, 5 yr olds will have to show proof of vax to go to Chuck-e-cheese.
    If you forge vax documents you will go to jail.
    However, you can have AIDS and fuck someone in the ass and not tell them beforehand.
    No penalty.
    You can VOTE by mail with no SS# or ID OR FUCKING CITIZENSHIP!
    No penalty, vote counts.

    I don’t think we will make it.

  2. the Left ALWAYS accuses others of what they see in the mirror … they’re rotten to the core & always try to bring down their betters to their level, all along the way espousing their superiority … note the latest pronouncements from their outrage over the recent VA elections

    they know they are rotten & evil, so they try to confuse & deflect their motives on the opposition … it’s how they blatantly claim the falsehood of sincerity, which leads to their blasphemous claims of morality

    pure evil brooks no boundaries

  3. I agree with everything the article says EXCEPT everything they accused Trump of had already been done by Obama. Lois Lerner, for example, was well before Trump, etc. (We all know the examples)

    Biden/Kamala is the Turnip/Dummy they needed in power so that the Old Democrats like Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler etc., could get another 8 to 12 years to cement their plans.

    Covid-19 was just another excuse to implement Plans that They, the Globalists, had waiting in their back pockets.

    The Plan was always there. Hell, George Orwell, Ayn Rand and Many Others, saw different parts of this coming. Brave New World by Huxley was published in 1937.

    With technology, & the Fear of Covid, they are implementing it.

    You WILL EAT LESS MEAT, TRAVEL LESS, HAVE LESS FREEDOM because you financially Can Not afford to buy these things. They will not let you work, unless you take you Government “Medicine”, “sleep learn” from your I-phone, and become Docile.

  4. It wasn’t so much “a dangerous time to tell the truth in America” as it was a time when people who twisted and adulterated the truth for their own benefit had said twistings and adulterations exposed in real time by someone who really enjoyed calling them out.

  5. I can never forgive the media for equating Trump with fascism. Trump wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but when and where did he ever try or even suggest destroying our freedoms and becoming a dictator?

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