The Trump Rally – IOTW Report

The Trump Rally

Here are a few videos, starting off with our girl Tina Forte.

Inside the Million MAGA March | Tina Forte

Massive crowd rallies for President Trump at ‘Million MAGA March’.

Million MAGA March in DC. Sneak peek.

Gorka: The Path to Victory – TRUMP March 2020.

11 Comments on The Trump Rally

  1. Well, over at Yahoo, their perspective shows snarling young men in Maga hats with the headline Vicious Trump Tweet Eggs his Followers and Proud Boys to hurt peaceful counter Protesters. Four little lines down it states that innocent Americans were attacked for asking that people remove their Trump hats or leave …Yahoo plus Huffington Post propaganda is pushing ,not a war, but that it is OK to beat and harass Trump supporters. I believe that half the country of peaceful Republicans, Libertarians etc are not far away from aBiden Regime that will begin the NAZI destruction of Life and civilization while calling for Unity..

  2. I, regretfully, am thinking that Trump might save the nation by not conceding if he loses, so that the Left cannot rule the massive Power of the United States system to crush dissent. BLM/Antifa are protected by Democrats…think about that..

  3. Sorry, but as I wrote above, Yahoo realized that the angry men in Trump hats story was easy to recognize as a lie so they changed the picture to Proud Boys, left the angry hat wearers for a different story and toned it down ..Evil at work.

  4. Gorka was on FIRE with his rally speech! Very uplifting.

    Now for something not so uplifting. As some of you know Gab has a lot of Q followers and researcher that post there. I read a lot of them but don’t dig deeply or try to understand Q’s drops.

    One researcher, Neon Revolt is pretty prominent in the Q research. He recently posted his understanding of “the Plan”, as in trust the plan. Even if it is fantasy, you would be well advised to read it just in case he is correct. You don’t want to get blind sided. We’re in an epic fight. The good news is that in the end we win, but in order to get there, it aint pretty.

    I’d be curious to hear others’ thoughts on this.

  5. Funny. I saw Antifa bragging on Reddit last night with videos of groups of two dozen or more Antifa and BLM terrorists stalking and attacking those who were at the rally.

    Including provoking a fight, causing distractions with 10 on 1 provocations, then attacking people from behind, kicking them in the head when they were down and then robbing them.

    Congratulatory posts using the same language as the guy in Denver who helped 9News kill the Patriot protester at the Back the Blue rally.

    God bless the Proud Boys for protecting these people since the police are on the side of the leftwing brownshirts.

  6. People should be gathering around the MSM, social media, politicians and election officials buildings and homes. Soros should also be targeted, this rally stuff doesn’t move the needle one bit.


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