The Truth About Objectification of Women – IOTW Report

The Truth About Objectification of Women


Lauren Southern of Singer Ariana Grande went on a tirade complaining about the sexualization of women. But isn’t she part of the problem?

22 Comments on The Truth About Objectification of Women

  1. sexualization – the word “sex” plus the completely redundant and unnecessary suffix -ualization — whose sole purpose is to fool some 12 year old, who shouldn’t even be thinking about the topic in the first damn place, believe that he/she is thinking like an adult on the subject

  2. Here’s how out of it I am: I had no idea who Ariana was but I recognized her from some commercial where a woman is driving through the desert and has to throw her out of the car to make way for a maps app. I always just assumed she was a cartoon of a talentless pop star and she was getting thrown out because her unimportant “music” stunk.

  3. “I am an adult human being….” says Grande, who picks up donuts in the donut shop, licks them, and them puts them back, because hahahaha…then see, other people eat my skanky spit…hahahaha…if only they knew where my mouth has been…so funny…I am an adult…hahahahahaha…human being…..”

  4. The invaluable Fred Reed nails this down perfectly in his current “scurrilous commentary” piece.


    Feminists complain – I could stop the sentence there – that men regard women as sex objects. I see. And what, prithee, are we supposed to regard as sex objects? Doorknobs? Porpoises? Doughnuts? Vacuum cleaner attachments? We are men, for God’s sake. Cocker spaniels just don’t do it for us.

    The truth is that women want to be regarded as sex objects. Not only as sex objects usually, but certainly as sex objects. Maybe some man, somewhere, lost a girlfriend by regarding her as a sex object. A far surer way to lose her is not to so regard her. Why do you think women buy push-up bras, boob jobs, makeup, slinky dresses? Why do grocery-rack tabloids always carry three miracle diets guaranteed to have the guys drooling?

    VERY highly recommended reading!

  5. Another nothing-burger clamoring for relevance.

    Gee, lady, get a crew-cut, put on a plaid shirt and overalls, shut the fuck up, and you’ll never be “objectified” again.

    Methinks you protest too much.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. To me, Ms. Southern is way more desirable because she has the best thing to objectify – a brain. Ariana Grande is just a dumb inexperienced kid. What the hell is sexy about that? If good sex came only from appearance and superficiality, I’d have been permanently single.

  7. @ Uncle Al, see: “The Rape of the Lock,” by Alexander Pope, published 1714. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

    Separate note to SJWs: No actual rape was committed in the penning of this famous mock-heroic poem, tho this is your trigger warning that it deals with cisgendered heteronormative relationships. Ewwwww, gross, right?

  8. This little tart, Grande, has all kinds of problems; dressing like a whore, speaking in that ignorant inner city slang, “Girl, you beta get T- mobile”, thinking she actually matters…

  9. Most women I meet seem to be unaware of all the crap on the internet about women. They talk with me, laugh, i tell jokes, they act like women, and again, most of this nonsense from the media, Huffpo, Salon, etc. is simply unknown or is valued a lot less than most think. Honest, i”ll be the first to admit i am a male chauvinistic pig, but the ladies really don’t seem to mind how i behave, they seem normal, balanced, and have a sense of humor. Women are not pieces of meat; they are the others who mellow things out in a cruel world: moms, cooks, workers, sexual partners, etc. Roles have not changed and never will. These people look for problems.

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