The Truth About “Rising Hate Crimes” – IOTW Report

The Truth About “Rising Hate Crimes”

Dan Bongino: The inevitable revelation that actor Jussie Smollett faked a Trump-inspired hate crime in a city where Hillary Clinton received 84% of the vote sparked a predictable response from some quadrupling down on the Left – that while Smollett may have faked his hate crime, it at least drew attention to the very real problem of hate crimes!

Yes, people really did argue this.



What Jussie Smollett is accused of is despicable. However, don’t forget that we believed he was the victim of such a horrendous hate crime because its the type of thing that happens way too often, especially in the Trump era. He may have taken advantage of a VERY REALISTIC FEAR


False allegations, like Jussie Smollett’s, are an affront to true hate crime victims. Real, bias-motivated criminal violence happens every day and does tremendous harm to marginalized groups. I write for @CNN on the alarming increase in crimes. 

So by their logic; thank god Smollett was lying for the truth? Let’s evaluate that….

Hate Crimes (Probably) Are Not on the Rise – And They Are Not Being Carried out in the Name of Trump 

The FBI’s latest report on hate crime statistics was quickly twisted to push a narrative that hate crimes are spiking due to Donald Trump’s presidency. Just take a look at some of the headlines:

Each argues a similar message; that hate crimes are on the rise, and that we can blame Trump’s rhetoric for it.

While law enforcement did report 7,175 hate crimes in 2017, up from 6,121 in 2016, there were over 1,000 additional agencies contributing information to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program. Each new agency would only need to report one hate crime to explain the entire rise.  more here

10 Comments on The Truth About “Rising Hate Crimes”

  1. Given the documented history of “right antagonist -vs- left victim hate crime” reports the default position has to be that they are fake unless and until proven authentic. Logic defies any alternative response when the fake/authentic ratio is as skewed toward fake as these events are documented to be.

  2. …this is in no way “new”. Jarad Taylor in his excellent book, “Paved with Good Intentions” reports this from the ’90’s…

    “On December 28, 1991, thousands of black rap music fans gathered in Harlem for what promised to be an especially entertaining performance. Some of the biggest names in “hip-hop”—LL Cool J, Heavy D, Run D.M.C., and Bell Biv DeVoe—were to play basketball against each other. The event was heavily advertised, and soon there were far more fans than the gymnasium could hold. People without tickets decided to rush the doors and crowd into the gymnasium without paying. They started a stampede that bent the metal pole of a streetlight, broke through glass doors, and trampled ticketholders who were waiting to get in. Nine people were crushed to death. After rescue crews arrived and relieved the press of the crowd, fans stepped over bodies to get close to the rappers, and several robbed corpses. Rap stars who tried to help evacuate some of the dozens of injured were prevented by mobs of autograph-seekers. Five emergency rescue men were also injured when they were attacked by the crowd. It was, in short, a sorry display of callousness. Journalists, however, could not bring themselves to say so. The Associated Press blamed the horror on “the beast”: “The beast bent a lightpole in front of the gym building; it pestered rappers for photo ops and autographs in the morgue of the gym floor, distracting those who were trying to help the injured; it laughed and joked outside amid the despair; it robbed the dead.” “It” killed nine people. One white music critic went farther: “It’s no secret that our society teaches minorities to hate themselves. If you are not white, male, straight, middle-class, well-educated or well-off, you are told … that you and others like you are disposable…. You self-destruct and aid in the destruction of others. You do as you are told…. Should it come as any surprise that people trapped like animals in cages are going to rip each other apart out of sheer frustration? Why should they value human life when society judges their lives as meaningless?””

    …nary a White person in sight, yet they get the blame for making them feelz bad.

    In 1992.

    plus ça change…

  3. Are the hate crimes enumerated convictions or charges? Anybody looked? I ain’t gonna’ bother, I find the entire concept of a ‘hate crime’ abhorrent to the Constitution. These ‘laws’ fly in the face of equal treatment/equal protection under the law.

  4. Larry….the AA and all award shows are crimes in my opinion. It’s a show for liberals and she-men.

    Sometimes, Larry, I think you’re a robot or at least an extraterrestrial.


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