The Truth about the Hajj – IOTW Report

The Truth about the Hajj

Acts17Apologetics: The Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. Every Muslim who is physically and financially able to perform the Hajj must do so at least once in life. The Hajj takes place annually during the last month (Dhu al-Hijjah) of the Islamic lunar calendar.



Many Muslims, however, fail to realize that the pilgrimage to Mecca was once a pagan practice, and that many of the traditions associated with the Hajj have pagan origins. In this video, David Wood explores the Muslim sources to discover the truth about the Hajj.

19 Comments on The Truth about the Hajj

  1. The barbecue is ready, throw some more muzzlemen on the barbe mate.

    Give them sharia or give them death. So, what’s the difference?

    #hajjpodge #hodgepodge #weworshiparockinabox #hajjpodgepetrockinabox

  2. My favorite thing about the Hajj is the inevitable stampedes of death. You’d think they’d have the Mecca logistics fine-tuned after 1,200 years. But I guess they do pretty well, for a bunch of muslims.

  3. Much like not wanting to know the gory details of Nicole Brown Simpson’s beheading by her ex-husband, it’s inescapable.

    I don’t wish to know the inner workings of Islam. I just want the perpetrators extinguished. Forever.

    And ever. Amen.

    And I certainly don’t want those savages invading America at the invitation of Barack the Facilitator or Hillary the WhiteGuiltest.

  4. Doc,
    Too local, too quick, too many chances to escape the blast zone. Instead, air drop at least a ton of radioactive dust over the area, let them carry it and spread it in their lungs and on their skin to everywhere they live. Slow burns and cancers. The gift that keeps on giving.

    Or- a mutated bacteria or virus, desert resistant (heat and dry), long lasting, only middlin’ contagious (this plays off the ordinary hygiene of western civilization vs arabs), genetically keyed to those of ME origin.
    Wadda ya think?

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