*The* Twitter Thread That Shows How The Lincoln Project’s Sordid Activities Were Shielded – IOTW Report

*The* Twitter Thread That Shows How The Lincoln Project’s Sordid Activities Were Shielded

TownHall: Grab a Seat.

The Lincoln Project is finished. Don’t let their Twitter activity suggest anything otherwise. They’re just posting stuff with a total lack of self-awareness. You can’t claim to be principled when you whored out for Democrats. You certainly can’t say so when your co-founder, John Weaver, was allegedly predating younger men for years through communications that were way outside the realm of anything appropriate or professional. It’s bad enough that Weaver was reportedly offering job opportunities for sex. It’s worse than some of these men were allegedly underage when he first reached out. Now, these communications were not explicit in nature, but the FBI did launch an investigation into them regardless. It’s all bad. Most of the original crew is gone. The work environment was reportedly toxic, but these were the good character squad, which was one of the many things they supposedly despised about Trump: he lacked such qualities. 

Some $90 million were given to this swamp operative project. The New York Post did an excellent piece about its shady inner-workings, which snowballed once the Weaver allegations broke. And after that occurred, the liberal media turned on them. It’s not hard to figure out why we’re learning about this crew and their shady deeds. The liberal media hated Trump. They found a group of despicable people who called themselves Republicans who hated Trump, so it was just another round in the magazine for them. Drew Holden is the master of keeping receipts on stuff like this and he compiled a helluva thread that explains how this group’s actions were shielded until the bottom gave out. In the end, the operation used the liberal media and their contacts within it expertly to pull off quite a heist: MORE

6 Comments on *The* Twitter Thread That Shows How The Lincoln Project’s Sordid Activities Were Shielded

  1. Great piece. Now that Orange Man is out we’ll be seeing more of this. Hopefully, it eventually translates to the pandemic reactions and coverage. If not the current situation, then at least future attempts.

  2. They are kind of late to the game, a little slow on the uptake, I would say. Better late than never though.

    I know somebody who has been anti establishment Republicans for decades. His name is JDHasty. I learned from the Bellevue/Redmond bunch that controls the Washington State Republican Party first hand that no good can come from ever believing a word any of the establishment says. Their hand picked boy Dan Newhouse and their hand picked gal Jamie Herrera Butler both voted to impeach Donald Trump.


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